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Incredible Instant Insanity Prediction
by Sam Dalal


(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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Incredible Instant Insanity Prediction by Sam Dalal

An exceedingly clever use of Max Maven's Bonsai Force. Predict the free and random arrangement of four colored blocks.

Excerpt from the introduction by Max Maven:

But there is yet another benefit which is perhaps the rarest of all, when another creative spirit decides to explore something you've devised, and comes up with a new and different approach which expands your idea in ways you had not considered.

Sam Dalal, I'm delighted to say, has once again provided me with just such a situation. He has taken a principle I devised several years ago, and adapted it in an ingenious way which uses inherently interesting props within a cunningly logical context.

When I read the manuscript you're about to enjoy, I must admit that I felt a twinge of jealousy over the fact that I hadn't thought of this direction myself. But I didn't — and I'm extremely pleased that Sam did.

You will be, too.

Please note that this ebook does not come with the necessary color dice or blocks. However, anybody slightly motivated can make these up in different ways (paint blank wooden blocks, modify dice, 3D printing, cardboard, color stickers, ...)

1st edition 1992, PDF 17 pages.
word count: 5665 which is equivalent to 22 standard pages of text