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Menta Color
by Sam Dalal


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Menta Color by Sam Dalal

A collection of self-working tricks based on a simple mathematical principle with multi-colored chips.

You will need to make the 5 chips yourself. Each chip has a color on the front and back. These chips can be easily made with stickers or permanent makers.

1st edition 1975, PDF 11 pages.
word count: 2233 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text

Reviewed by John Kauth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 08 August, 2024

This is probably one of the better bargains on It beautifully illustrates a mathematical principle that I have seen used in other tricks. You will recognize the name when you see it. When this method is embedded in more complex tricks, it can be not easy to follow and understand. As a stand-alone trick, this is not amazing. As a teaching method for mathematical principles, it is outstanding. Lots of possibilities to invent new tricks based on this using photos or symbols.

Chris Wasshuber runs a wonderful website with tons of useful information. In his review guidelines, he suggests leaving some brief bio information in the magic reviews. I am 76 years old. Five years ago, a cruise ship had a magic show. I purchased his promotional kit with a few tricks. The magic bug bit hard. I now own the Tarbell books, 13 Steps to Mentalism, and many, many books and videos on Magic and Mentalism, which I have studied. I lean toward Mentalism as a fancy sleight of hand is difficult with arthritis. I mainly do thirty-minute shows for senior citizens living in my area.