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by Raphaël Czaja


(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Infinity by Raphaël Czaja

An effortless variation on the ACAAN plot where a thought-of card is found at the magician's predicted number.

The magician writes down a prediction on a business card before asking the spectator to make up a playing card:

  • First, the magician divides the deck into two piles and the spectator decides which one will be the ''value'' pile and which one will be the ''suit'' pile.
  • Then, the magician deals the top cards of each pile at the same time and keeps dealing the next cards until the spectator orders him to stop.
  • Finally, the spectator uses the cards he stopped at and combines the value of one card (in the ''value'' pile) with the suit of the other card (in the ''suit'' pile).

The spectator writes down the name of his thought-up card on a business card and tables it face down as the magician gathers the cards up. Once done, they turn both business cards face up. The spectator wrote ''3 of Diamonds''. The magician wrote ''22''.

To the spectator's surprise, the magician tells him that it is a perfect match!? The spectator takes the deck and deals down to the 22nd card: It is indeed the 3 of Diamonds!

Uses a regular deck of cards. No duplicate. No sleight. No gimmick. No marking system. Includes two versions.

1st edition 2024, PDF 11 pages.
word count: 3464 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Unnamed Magician
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 09 June, 2024

While I don’t own this effect, I did manage to work out the method. There is a performance video provided in the other reviewer’s (Anthony Bianco) review, so check that out.

And I must say it’s an absolutely phenomenal effect. It’s a “selected card at predicted number” effect. It uses a very deceptive method and would fool just about any lay person (and even some magicians).

For $5 it’s definitely a big steal. If this were my effect, I would sell it for $15 or $20.

Highly recommended.

Reviewed by Anthony Bianco (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 27 May, 2024

For $5 dollars this is a steal. Throw in a false shuffle in the beginning and you have a miracle, and you really don't have to, a false cut is fine. The thinking behind this is ingenious and for a self-worker you have an easy 5-star rating. I have also done a demo of this on my you tube channel if you want to check it out at abcardmagic

Don't pass on this. For a price of a coffee, you have a trick you can show that's easy to do and is a really great trick. GREAT BUY

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / ACAAN

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video