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Ivy by Larry Travis

Here are six card magic routines, plus variations on two of them. All are truly impromptu, meaning they can be done with a borrowed, shuffled deck of ordinary cards. Some sleight-of-hand is required.

Synaptic - you reveal their thought-of card by "tuning in" to their senses

Maybe - an in-the-hands Open Prediction

Sweep - they choose a card through a visualisation process, but you knew their choice beforehand

Little Sympathy - impromptu sympathetic cards

Royal - a variation of Little Sympathy

Silver - they choose every card for two hands of poker, and you reveal a photographic prediction of the final hands, down to each and every card

The Deputy - a story-telling variation of Silver

The Naughty Card - a trick for kids that you just can't do, because one card keeps ruining the trick

1st edition 2023, PDF 90 pages.
word count: 27314 which is equivalent to 109 standard pages of text

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