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Jack Shepherd

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★★★★ $8
Jack Shepherd
A Lesson in Card Magic by Jack Shepherd

You apparently teach four card tricks to a member of the audience, but the explanation leave the spectators more and more bewildered ... with a strong climax.

Here's a routine that has withstood the acid test of time. Jack Shepherd's great comedy routine performance to the paying public has been very valuable to the originator. It can be as valuable to you too! You get a member of the audience to help and offer to teach him how to do four card tricks. False explanations of the various effects as performed lead up to a brilliant climax where the spectator reaches into his own pocket and removes...

★★★★ $4
Jack Shepherd
Who Done It? by Jack Shepherd

A magical mystery in one act.

From the introduction:

It will be obvious after reading this manuscript that for the actual magical methods it would be simple to substitute other methods and other apparatus and still keep the basic idea. This is for the reader to decide, but we would suggest that if this is done, the apparatus used should be of a simple nature and not elaborate conjuring properties, as these would divert the attention of the audience from the story and routine to the magical mechanics, and it is the story that counts. The only way to get something really new is by a new...

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