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A Lesson in Card Magic
by Jack Shepherd


(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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A Lesson in Card Magic by Jack Shepherd

#2 in Comedy Magic top-reviews

You apparently teach four card tricks to a member of the audience, but the explanation leave the spectators more and more bewildered ... with a strong climax.

Here's a routine that has withstood the acid test of time. Jack Shepherd's great comedy routine performance to the paying public has been very valuable to the originator. It can be as valuable to you too! You get a member of the audience to help and offer to teach him how to do four card tricks. False explanations of the various effects as performed lead up to a brilliant climax where the spectator reaches into his own pocket and removes the chosen card which has vanished from the pack ... a real shock for him!

You can realize the reputation this brings to the performer and how it impresses his name and skill on the audience. It is easy to do. There is no difficult finger-flinging - it's all simplicity itself - and although the only props are two packs and a paper knife A Lesson in Card Magic is a complete and highly entertaining ten-minute act or interlude suitable for performance anywhere - platform, club, close-up.

1st edition 1957, 1st digital edition 2019, 7 pages.
word count: 2943 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text

Reviewed by hal barlow (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 09 March, 2022

A bit dated, but this idea has a lot of potential.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / Comedy Magic