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Jacks or Better
by Stephen Minch & Martin A. Nash


(3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Jacks or Better by Stephen Minch & Martin A. Nash

One of Martin's favorite routines. This has been one of the most popular routines for Martin's lectures. It concludes with a 13 minute sandwich routine that keeps the audience continually guessing. Available again for the first time in 25 years!

To open, you begin by honestly cutting the four Aces from a shuffled pack in the fairest manner possible. This effect grabs their interest immediately and establishes you as an expert.

The red and black Aces then transpose with each other in an amazing fashion, via Martin's treatment of Dr. Daley's Last Trick. You then go into a poker dealing routine.

This is followed by an increadible display of genuine Center Dealing expertise. This one routine is Martin's most closely guarded secret and has contributed more than a little to his reputation as an expert.

14 pages
word count: 5875 which is equivalent to 23 standard pages of text