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Jim Mahoney

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Jim Mahoney
Playing Shopping Centres (used) by Jim Mahoney

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Jim Mahoney
Playing Shopping Centres by Jim Mahoney

From the introduction by Billy McComb:

There are TWO THINGS you've got to appreciate about this treatise.

First of all it shines through every line that it's written by a man who knows what he is talking about and has actually WORKED Shopping Malls.

The second thing is something which Mike Caldwell said to me just a few weeks ago. We were wandering around London in the McCombomobile. He pointed out the shops in a district we were going through and said, "In a few years time you won't see many shops like that around." I said, "Why?". He said, "Because it will get like the States. Everyone will...

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