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Joel Howlett

Joel Howlett

Joel Howlett is a full time professional Magician, Juggler and Speaker. He has performed Internationally, won awards in the industry and given "Magic Lectures" for his peers all over Australia and New Zealand. For updated information, reviews and photos please visit and 'like' the JD's World Of Magic facebook page.


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Joel Howlett
Attention Please! by Joel Howlett

In March 2022 there was a unique gathering of professional magicians in Sydney Australia. Joel Howlett was one of the lecturers on the bill and he discussed performing exciting visual magic that caters to modern audiences who have shortening attention spans.

Participants were invited to take an honest look at the effects they were using before the COVID pandemic and reassess if they might be a little slow-moving for today's audiences. This PDF is a brief outline of the points discussed.

1st edition 2022, PDF 7 pages.

Joel Howlett
Magic from Joel and Jim by Joel Howlett

International award-winning Australian magician Joel Howlett was a very close friend to the late Jim McKeague. Jim was not only a magician but also a magic historian and author of The Best 200 Tricks With A Svengali Deck.

Joel has taken the time to describe three of the routines ('Jack And His Dog', 'Ten Card Poker' and 'The Three Card Trick') that he and Jim worked on together. Joel has also attempted to include some of the advice and tips Jim lovingly shared with him. The result was this PDF book.

PLEASE NOTE - The ebook is aimed at the intermediate magician as some of the more basic card moves are not described in detail.

1st edition...

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