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Johnny Hart: International Star of Magic
by Stephen Short

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Johnny Hart: International Star of Magic by Stephen Short

This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the life and times of one of the UK's major performance artistes, whose illustrious career started in the 1960's and spanned over 40 years. Not only does this ebook provide a carefully researched and fascinating look at Johnny himself, it also shines a light on the general showbiz scene of the same period, as Johnny rubbed shoulders with many of the greats from the entertainment and TV world.

The ebook runs to over 200 pages and is profusely illustrated with playbills and photographs that really help to conjure up a clear vision of showbiz in the latter part of the 20th century.

  • Foreword Freddie Davies
  • Introduction Bill Stanley
  • Introduction Stephen Short
  • Chapter One: The Journey Begins
  • Chapter Two: Young Magician of The Year
  • Chapter Three: The Unique Harry Stanley
  • Chapter Four: Lorna makes her Entrance
  • Chapter Five: The Ed Sullivan Show
  • Chapter Six: Two Harts
  • Chapter Seven: Las Vegas
  • Chapter Eight: European Adventure
  • Chapter Nine: The Bachelors Tour
  • Chapter Ten: Casino du Liban - Lebanon
  • Chapter Eleven: The Winner is...
  • Chapter Twelve: The Danny La Rue Tour
  • Chapter Thirteen: For My Next Trick
  • Chapter Fourteen: Hello Hollywood Hello
  • Chapter Fifteen: The Magic Castle at Seven Dials
  • Chapter Sixteen: Magic in the Bahamas
  • Chapter Seventeen: Award Winning Magician
  • Acknowledgements
  • Bibliography
  • Index

1st edition 2018, 209 pages.
word count: 77352 which is equivalent to 309 standard pages of text