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L. W. de Laurence

L. W. de Laurence

(Cleveland, Ohio: 31st October 1868 - Chicago: 11th September 1936)

With full name, Lauron William de Laurence was an American author and publisher on occult and spiritual topics.

He was a pioneer in the business of supplying magical and occult goods by mail order. He reprinted a number of public domain books as well as plagiarized A.E. Waite's 1910 book The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by bringing out his own The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.

In the 1930s he became a consecrated bishop of the American Catholic Church.

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L. W. de Laurence
The Illustrated Key to the Tarot by L. W. de Laurence

A divinatory tarot guide.

The veil and its symbols. Secret tradition under the veil of divination. Art of tarot divination. Outer method of the oracles. The tarot in history. Inner symbolism. The greater keys.

This is a plagiarized version of The Pictorial Key to the Tarot with text by A. E. Waite and illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith published in 1911. A two-year earlier edition was published unillustrated.

  • Preface
  • Part I The Veil And Its Symbols
    • SECTION 1 Introductory And General
    • SECTION 2 Trumps Major
    • SECTION 3 The Four Suits
    • SECTION 4 The Tarot In History
  • Part II The...