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Larry White

Larry White

(Norwood, Massachusetts: 21 September 1935 - 21 December 2008)

Tutored at age 5 by local magician Billy Snow. Elementary school science teacher. Amateur magician and magic manufacturer (as White Magic). Specializes in science magic.

Invented over 11 marketed tricks. Wrote 9 magic books for children, including So You Want to Become a Magician (1972) and Razzle-Dazzle! (1987). "How's Tricks" column in Magic Manuscript. Magic editor of MUM. Tricks in Genii, MUM, Linking Ring, Mortimer's Magic Magazine.

Coauthors: David Goodsell

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★★★★★ $35
Larry White & David Goodsell
The Complete Oracle by Larry White & David Goodsell

In recent years magic has experienced a renewed and keen interest in mental, bizarre and storytelling magic. Magic that does more than just fool the eyes and mind, magic that tugs on the heart strings, that stirs arcane fears and longing, magic that grabs the audience and won't let go. Sometimes the experience is light and airy, sometimes it probes a bit deeper and provokes self analysis and even resolve, sometimes it is just plain spooky.

David Goodsell and the late Larry White spent three years of their lives gathering the best of this kind of magic in their unique Oracle Magic Magazine...