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Life and Zen
by Mystic Alexandre

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Life and Zen by Mystic Alexandre

What is the real meaning of life and zen? This was a question that seemingly stumped a master in a famous monastery. He said he didn't know. Naturally, this caused a certain amount of concern, how can a master not know the answer to this? But it happened and he announced to his students that they were to go away and come back at the next gathering with their answers. So begins an enlightening, easy, and impromptu any deck any time routine. Storytelling mentalism at its best.

This is one of my favorite presentations with playing cards, and one I'm fairly known for within my circle of influence and to those I perform for. The story is what matters, the method is secondary, though I share other methods to accomplish this as well, all very easy, direct, and effective. I present here tried and true methods (some of which you probably know) to accomplish this routine, where again, the method is secondary, what truly matters is the enlightening story told.

  • A routine you'll be remembered for
  • A beautiful zen message shared
  • A charming psychic entertainment journey
  • No sleight of hand, no complicated tactics
What else can I say? Go get one!

1st edition 2022, PDF 12 pages.
word count: 3801 which is equivalent to 15 standard pages of text