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Lois or Lise
by Jozsef Kovacs


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Lois or Lise by Jozsef Kovacs

"I really like how you put different principles all together and the expanded 10/20 principle is overlooked in my opinion. I like that there is no apparent move and it looks fair." - Raphaël Czaja

This is a numerological revelation of a selected card. It's really off-beat and ... I think you'll love it, and definitely use it!

You tell two spectators that one of them will select a card randomly from the deck, and the other will find out the name of the selected card using numerology. You ask one of them to turn his back while the other chooses a card.

The first spectator now selects a card in a very fair manner. You then cut the card face up into the middle of the otherwise face down deck, which you then table.

You ask the second spectator to turn back, and you introduce sixteen cards with numbers written on them. They now choose four of the sixteen number cards, again in a very fair manner. You now have them add together the numbers on the cards using a calculator. Assuming that the total is 5107. Tell the spectator that he has just found out the name of the first spectator's selection. Ask him to turn the calculator upside down. The upside down digits, 5107, can be read as LOIS.

You now spread the deck across the table; and a speech bubble has appeared on the face of the Queen of Clubs with "Hi. I am LOIS." written inside it!

You push the Queen out of the spread and turn it over to show that the back of the card has also changed from blue to red!

Finally, you turn over the second spectator's four chosen number cards to show that they have the words "THE", "QUEEN", "OF", and "CLUBS" written on their backs. The backs of the other 12 number cards (not chosen) all have blank backs!

1st edition 2013, 3 pages.
word count: 1742 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video