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M by Daniel Madison

Coffee & Smokes
The performer introduces two red-back cards from his pocket and places them face down on the surface. He then tells a tale of association and how he always associates these two cards with coffee and cigarettes as these very cards where used in a trick shown to him by a good friend over coffee and cigarettes. The said friend is explained to be no longer living. The spectator is given a blue-back deck and invited to deal any two cards from the deck without looking at them. The spectator is then invited to turn over the red-back of which...the 2 of Diamonds is seen to have a cigarette burn on it, and the other, the 10 of Hearts is seen to have a coffee stain on. The spectator is then invited to turn over their two freely dealt cards to reveal that not only are they the same playing cards but they also host the same cig-burn and coffee stain.

A card is selected, signed and returned to the deck, the deck is shuffled and the cards are placed in the box. The box is placed on the floor and after a few moments the performer stamps on it. He lifts his foot to reveal a completely flattened box. The spectator is invited to inspect the box at which point they discover that the flattened box holds one playing card, the signed selection.

The deck is squared up on the table with the signed selection lost inside. The box is placed resting on top of the deck. The performer applies a little pressure to the box with his fingertips at which point the deck slowly penetrates the bottom of the box until every card is inside but one. The box is lifted off of the table and all cards are shown to be inside the box but one which is left on the table, the card is turned face up and revealed to be the signed selection.

The performer takes the deck, openly scans through the cards, takes out any card...the 3 of Diamonds and drops it allowing it to fall to the floor landing face up. He then gives the deck to the spectator and asks them to take out any card and then drop it in an attempt to land their card on the 3 of Diamonds. He explains that there is a magic word, which when said, brings confidence to a person, and should the spectator say it as the card falls, the card will guarantee to land on the performers card. The spectator selects any card...the King of Hearts, and drops it to the floor as they say 'the magic word.' The King of Hearts floats to the floor landing on the 3 of Diamonds. The performer then asks the spectator to pick up both cards. He then explains that this was more than just a silly game and 'the magic word' was nothing more than a form of misdirection from what was really going on...The spectator is invited to turn the cards face down, at which point the two cards are revealed not only to be the only Red-back cards from the Blue-back deck, but written on the back of each card is the 'magic word.'

The Queen of Hearts is lost into the riffled deck, the performer explains that by using muscle memory he knows exactly where the Queen of Hearts is and to prove it he will use the Ace of Spades to locate it. He riffles the deck and slips the Ace of Spades inside leaving it protruding. He turns over the deck and scans the cards to show that the Ace genuinely landed right next to the Queen of Hearts. He repeats this a few times until he misses the Queen by about 4 cards. With the Ace still protruding he invites the spectator to pinch hold of it and keep an eye on the queen in the spread deck. Instantly, the Queen of Hearts in the deck becomes the Ace of Spades. The card pinched by the spectator is removed to reveal the Queen of Hearts.

7 Crows
All of the Spades from Ace to 7 are removed from the deck and placed on the surface face up in running order. The performer explains that although fetes of mindreading shouldn't require such propaganda as playing cards he has found a useful demonstration for at least the 7 cards in display. The performer explains that the Ace through 7 of spades each represent a crow from the known rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for joy, Three for a girl, Four for a boy, Five for silver, Six for gold, Seven for a secret never to be told." The spectator is invited to take the 7 cards and mix them up. As each card now has a unique meaning from the rhyme, the spectator is invited to choose the two cards that reflect any strong and single memory or moment in their life; or in better words; both cards will link to one memory. Without seeing the cards or the spectator saying anything, the performer begins to slowly read the spectators mind and tell them their memories and the two selected cards and how they are related.

The performer writes his prediction on the back of the top card of the deck. The spectator is invited to name any freely thought-of card. The performer sighs at has fail, he turns over the deck to reveal an incorrect prediction and takes this card from the deck. As he searches the deck, the performer cannot locate the freely named card, he then invites the spectator to turn over the card used to write the prediction on to reveal the spectators freely named card.

A card is selected, signed and returned to the deck. The deck is held by the spectator as the performer warms his hands. The performer takes the deck and with very little pressure begins to rip the entire deck in half. He stops the rip with about 1cm to go so that all cards are torn but not entirely in half. The deck is handed to the spectator to inspect. The spectator is asked to hold the torn deck in the palm of their hand. The performer holds his hand over the deck for a moment before asking the spectator to find their card in the torn deck. The spectator's card is found to be fully restored in the middle of the torn deck. --- optional finish: The performer then retrieves a lighter from his pocket and holds it under the deck. The deck is seen to be fully restored, everything can be inspected by the spectator.

1st edition 2009; 40 pages.
word count: 8794 which is equivalent to 35 standard pages of text