$20(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★
When 99¢ per minute phone calls were all the rage, and the charges would simply be added onto your phone bill, Dave Arch audio recorded a magic show that he made available through one of the 99¢ per minute phone services. The ebook contains the scripts for the 19 magic tricks that were his show. Additionally you will get a recording of the entire show as MP3. If you're doing the math . . . at 2 minutes per magic trick and 19 magic tricks, you'd be paying $37.62 to enjoy the entire show (and worth every penny). How you choose to use the show in this ebook and audio recording is completely up to you.
In order to enjoy all the magic tricks in this ebook, you will need the following:
- A deck of playing cards
- Eleven or more coins
- Blank sheets of paper
- A pen or pencil
- A calculator
- A knife, fork, and spoon
- A piece of paper money
- Five personal articles
- Index cards (optional)
You will get a PDF and and MP3 to download.
word count: 7795 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text