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Magical Bulletin Volume 11 (November 1923 - October 1924)
by Floyd Gerald Thayer

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Magical Bulletin Volume 11 (November 1923 - October 1924) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 1 - November, 1923 - 16 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Magical Clubs Directory
  4. Editorial and notes
  5. Statement of Ownership
  6. Reviews
    • The Sphinx - October
    • The Magic World - September
    • The Magic Wand - October-November
    • The Magician - July
  7. News and Notes
  8. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Reversed Card
  9. Another Version of Wine and Water Trick - Walter H. Mack
  10. Nate Leipzig at [Los Angeles] Magicians Club Dazzles with Clever Card Feats - A. H. Shirk
  11. Another "Die Through Handkerchief" Effect - C. H. Tickell
  12. "B. D." Magical Millinery - Bert Douglas
  13. Magical Processes Made Practical - Charles Waller
    • No. 1 - Vesting and Pocketing - continued
  14. "Old Wives for New" - G. C. Bowen
  15. King Solomon's Poker Secret - W. B. Scott, Jr.
  16. "My Night with Ali Bajob" - Patter for "Wands of Mah Hoe" - Dr. G. E. Parshall, "Mystic Eugene"
  17. The Elevator - Walter Brookes
  18. The Ever-Ready Performer - T. J. Crawford
  19. A Lesson in Magic - My Coin Combination Number Two - A. F. Bowen
  20. Two Letters
    • to F. G. Thayer from C. Alexander
    • to C. Alexander from Dr. Q

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 2 - December, 1923 - 16 pages
  2. Magical Clubs Directory
  3. A Chat with You - and notes
  4. Literature
    • The Sphinx - November
    • The Magician - September
    • The Magical Monthly - second issue
    • The Billboard
    • Simplified Conjuring - Norman Hunter
    • More Paper Magic - Will Blyth
    • String Figures - W. W. Rouse Ball
    • Conjuror's Chronicle - October
  5. Klever Kard Kinks
    • Non-Mechanical Rising Cards - R. Woodward Hoel
    • Flapless Card Frame - R. Woodward Hoel
  6. Magical Musings - Adam Hull Shirk
  7. A Novel Comedy Card Trick - Walter Brookes
  8. The Three in One Ball Trick - Pablo T. Anido
  9. Magical Processes Made Practical - Charles Waller
    • No. 2 - "The False Finger"
  10. The Christmas Cracker Illusion - Bert Douglas
  11. Improvement on Bill & Lemon Trick - F. J. Foley
  12. Shattered Thoughts - Len J. Sewell
  13. magic note re: Alexander
  14. A Lesson in Magic - My Coin Combination Number Two - A. F. Bowen - Continued
    • Notes
  15. The Stunt King - W. A. Flaig
  16. "For Magicians Only" (Corrections and Additions) - Chas. Waller
  17. Vanishing Articles - L. Cohen
  18. A New Method for the Ink and Water Trick - Walter H. Mack

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 3 - January, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - Installation Banquet, Los Angeles Society of Magicians
  3. Magical Clubs Directory
  4. A Chat with You - and notes
  5. Literature
    • Modern Master Mysteries - Brunel White
    • The Magic Wand - December
    • The Sphinx - December
    • The Magic World - December
    • The Linking Ring
    • The Magical Monthly - Number 3
    • The Magical Observer - November
    • The Conjurer - November
    • The Magician - October
    • Conjuror's Chronicle - November
    • The Billboard
  6. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
  7. "Catalog Magic" - G. C. Bowen
  8. "Yukon Jake" - poem - Frank Fewins
  9. To Whom It May Concern - re: DR. Q offer
  10. Magical Processes Made Practical - Charles Waller
    • No. 3 - The "Pull"
  11. "B. D." Manipulation Screen - Bert Douglas
  12. A Plea for Real Magic - Adam Hull Shirk
  13. Billiard Ball Manipulation - L. Cohen
  14. Black Art Tables - L. Cohen
  15. "The Tube of T'Sin Sin" - Len J. Sewell
  16. A Live Wire Card Trick - James F. Lee
  17. The Half-Pack Reverse - Louis F. Christianer
  18. magic note re: The Great Richards
  19. magic note re: Martini, the Mysterious

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 4 - February, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Magical Clubs Directory
  4. A Chat with You - and notes
  5. Literature
    • The Sphinx - January
    • The Magician - November
    • The Magical Observer - November
    • The Linking Ring - January
    • Passez Muscade (French) - December
    • Elliott's Last Legacy - Clinton Burgess & Houdini
    • The Magician - December
  6. The Spirit Glass - Walter H. Mack
  7. Literature Additions
    • The Magical Monthly - January
    • Conjuror's Chronicle - December
  8. More Magic by Christianer
    • A Cigarette Move
  9. magic note re: Alonzo Martini
  10. magic note re: Ali Axiom
  11. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
  12. The Spider of Mystery - Bert Douglas
  13. A Model Problem - Len J. Sewell
  14. Magical Fakes and Processes - Chas. Waller
    • The Handkerchief Ball
  15. The Tape Trick - Wm. Larsen, Jr.
  16. A Few Observations on Card Magic Together With a Card Combination - A. F. Bowen
    • My Card Combination Number Two, or the Accomplishments of an Educated Pack of Cards
  17. Klever Kard Kinks
    • Challenge Card Change - Edward C. Conklin
    • The Jumping Seven - Edward C. Conklin
  18. Seventy-Five Years Young - re: Isaac Twamley

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 5 - March, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Magical Clubs Directory
  4. A Chat with You - and notes
  5. Necromantic Comment - Adam Hull Shirk
  6. "Old Wives for New" - G. C. Bowen
  7. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
  8. Dollar Bill and Lemon - C. H. Tickell
  9. A Pass and a False Shuffle - Chas. J. Bagley
  10. Climbing the Greasy Pole - Charles Waller
  11. Another Tape Trick - Wm. Larsen, Jr.
  12. An Opening Trick - Louis F. Christianer
  13. magic note re: The Magic Wand for March
  14. The Ball and Vase - Wilfrid G. Johnson
  15. The Cylinder and Balls - C. H. Tickell
  16. magic note re: Harry Latz
  17. Literature
    • The Sphinx - February
    • The Magical Observer - January
    • Passez Muscade (French)
    • Magic for Amateurs - W. H. Radcliffe
    • My Psychic Adventures - J. Malcolm Bird
    • The Magical Monthly - February
    • The Linking Ring - February
  18. A Few Observations on Card Magic Together With a Card Combination - A. F. Bowen - Continued
    • Notes
  19. The Magnetic Wand - An Improved Version of the Rising cards - Shirley Guya
  20. Thurston - The Man - Raymond L. Schopper
  21. Odds and Ends in Magic - L. Cohen

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 6 - April, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - hand-out card from Prof. E. M. Lipka
  3. Notice! Magical Clubs Directory Discontinued
  4. A Chat with You - and notes
  5. Statement of Ownership
  6. magic note re: Prof. E. M. Lipka
  7. magic note re: photographs
  8. magic note re: Mitchell, the Wizard
  9. Match Box Monte - G. N. Bech
  10. The Black and White Billiard Ball Effect - C. H. Tickell
  11. A Question of Memory - An Effect with the Giant Cards - Ed. C. Conklin
  12. Japanese Wonder Workers
  13. magic note re: C. Porter Norton
  14. Big Program for Los Angeles Society of Magicians' Show at Gamut Club Theatre, May 1
  15. The Wonderful Wand Juggler - Walter H. Mack
  16. Wallerised Magic - Charles Waller
    • Hallucination
  17. The Batchelor's [sic] Bowl - C. L. Elver
  18. A Novel Cigarette Trick - C. H. Tickell
  19. The Rising Cards
    • The "Simple" Rising Cards
  20. magic note re: Death of Carl Hertz
  21. Conceptions of Choy Fong - No. IV - G. C. Bowen
  22. The Glass Coffin Escape - Walter H. Mack
  23. Literature
    • The Magic Wand & Annals of Conjuring
    • The Sphinx - March
    • The Magician - January
    • Conjuror's Chronicle - February
    • The Magical News - first issue
    • The Magical Monthly - March
  24. My Mystic Spell - A. F. Bowen
    • No. One
  25. The Inexhaustible Match
  26. Palming - L. Cohen
  27. The Card Trick de L'Heure - Reuben P. Ginsberg

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 7 - May, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - McDonald Birch
  3. A Chat with You - and notes
  4. Klever Kard Kinks
    • Reversible Cards - No. 1 - Edw. C. Conklin
      • Reversing Three Cards in a Pack
      • Reversible Pack
      • Any Card Called For Reverses Itself
  5. A Fake Coin - C. H. Tickell
  6. magic note re: Herbert A. Taylor
  7. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
  8. Literature
    • The Sphinx - April
    • The Conjurer - March
    • Passez Muscade (French) - March
    • Conjuror's Chronicle
    • The Magician - February
    • The Billboard
    • The Magical Observer - April
    • The Linking Ring - April
    • The Crystal Gazer - first issue
  9. The Gay Little Clown - Charles Waller
  10. "Catalog Magic" - G. C. Bowen
  11. An Artistic Programme - W. J. Elliott
  12. magic note re: Martini, the Mysterious
  13. The Rising Cards
    • Cards Rising from the Hand
  14. My Mystic Spell - A. F. Bowen
    • No. Two
  15. A Lifesaver for Beginners - T. Page Wright
  16. Billiard Ball, Candle and Flag Effect - C. H. Tickell
  17. Recollections of Dr. S. S. Baldwin - Prof. E. M. Lipka
  18. "Mary and Her Lamb" - Shirley W. Guye
  19. Orange and Lemon Trick - Patter - Herbert M. Richmond
  20. The Pudding in the Hat - C. C. Lichtenberg
  21. The Magical Monthly - April

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 8 - June, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - Matt Martin
  3. A Chat with You - and notes
  4. Literature
    • The Sphinx - May
    • The Magic World and Magical Review - first issue
    • The Magical Monthly - May
    • Conjuror's Chronicle - April
    • The Magician
    • Words for Wizards - George Schulte
  5. Klever Kard Kinks
    • The Silver Card Trick - Edw. C. Conklin
  6. Radio Magic - Adam Hull Shirk
  7. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
  8. Keeping Cool, or a Trip to Coney Island - A N-Ice Magical Problem - Bert Douglas
    • The Magical Sundae
    • Production of Ice Cream Cone
    • Production of Monster Cone
    • Suggestions
  9. Leaves From My Note Book - John Northern Hilliard
    • No. 1 - "The Triple Mystery"
      • A personal Note by Way of Introduction
      • "The Triple Mystery"
  10. "The Clock That Has No Works" - Charles Waller
  11. Bradley's Baffler - E. J. Bradley
  12. magic note re: Maurice, the card expert
  13. magic note re: The Sharrocks
  14. magic note re: Roland Travers
  15. magic note re: Alexander
  16. magic note re: David Bell
  17. My Mystic Spell - A. F. Bowen
    • No. Three
  18. More Magic by Christianer
    • Another Cigarette Move
  19. The Rising Cards
    • The "De Gaston" Method
  20. A Comedy Magical Act - G. C. Bowen

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 9 - July, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - John Northern Hilliard
  3. A Chat with You - and notes
  4. Literature
    • The Magical Monthly - June
    • How to Chalk Talk - Harlan Tarbell
    • A Magician Among the Spirits - Houdini
    • Creations Magiques - Wilfrid O. J. Morel
    • The Magician - April
    • The Sphinx - June
    • Das Programm (German)
  5. Farewell, Harry! - re: passing of Harry G. Cooke - Adan Hull Shirk
  6. An Original Coin Effect - C. H. Tickell
  7. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
    • Resolutions of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians
  8. The Rising Cards
    • Another Rising Card
  9. "Catalog Program" - G. C. Bowen
  10. The P & L Wand - T. S. Torbenson
  11. Here and There
  12. Leaves From My Note Book - John Northern Hilliard
    • No. 1 - "The Triple Mystery" - continued
  13. Klever Kard Kinks
    • A "Giant" Four Ace - T. Page Wright
  14. magic note re: Justiniani
  15. A New Appearing Flower - Harry C. Bjorklund
  16. "The Clock That Has No Works" - Charles Waller - continued
  17. The Silk Loom of Sing Low - Hal Rammel
  18. The Letters of an Old-Timer to a Tyro (Letter 1) - In Which He Tells How to Conquer Stage Fright - "Daddy" Endor

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 10 - August, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. Contents
  3. A Chat with You - and notes
  4. Literature
    • The Magical Monthly - July
    • The Sphinx - July
    • Passez Muscade (French) - June
    • The Magician - May
    • The Crystal Gazer - July
    • The Magic Mirror
  5. Is Lafayette Alive?
  6. Klever Kard Kinks
    • Giant Cards - Eds. C. Conklin
  7. The Egg That Was - Colin Donister
  8. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - Adam Hull Shirk
  9. The Radio Box - T. Page Wright
  10. Vanishing Radio Cabinet - Bert Douglas
  11. Here and There
  12. Leaves From My Note Book - John Northern Hilliard
    • No. 1 - "The Triple Mystery" - continued
  13. The Dove of "Choy Fong" - G. C. Bowen
  14. Radio Transformation - Bert Douglas
  15. The Patriotic Billiard Balls - C. H. Tickell
  16. The Letters of an Old-Timer to a Tyro (Letter 1) - In Which He Tells How to Conquer Stage Fright - "Daddy" Endor - continued
  17. "Shopping Under Difficulties" - W. F. Elliott
  18. The Rising Cards
    • A Novel Rising Card Trick
  19. "Choko!" (The Man They Could Not Hang!) - C. H. Tickell

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 11 - September, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - George F. Schulte
  3. A Chat with You
  4. cover photo article - George F. Schulte
  5. Here and There
  6. Literature
    • The Sphinx - August
    • The Magic Monthly - August
    • The Magician - June
    • Practical Telepathy - Joseph Ovette
  7. Some Old Reliables - W. F. Elliott
  8. The Flight - G. C. Bowen
  9. Just a Suggestion - Jack Mangan
  10. magic note re: Showe
  11. magic note re: Loah, Maid O Mist
  12. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
  13. magic note re: Mystic Clayton
  14. magic note re: Zado Goldenberg
  15. Some Ideas for Card Manipulators - Paul Stadelman
  16. The Rising Cards
    • The Rising Cards - W. F. Elliott
  17. Map of the World - Bert Douglas
  18. An Effective Combination - "Z"
  19. Leaves From My Note Book - John Northern Hilliard
    • No. 1 - "The Triple Mystery" - continued
  20. The Patriotic Handkerchiefs - T. Page Wright
  21. The Coco-Nut Shy - Charles Waller
  22. Patter for Improved Devil's Pillars - Herbert M. Richmond
  23. Patter for Improved Devil's Pillars - Second Version - Herbert M. Richmond
  24. The Serpent Handkerchief - A. F. Bowen
  25. A Novel Billiard Ball Production at Finger Tips - Colin Donister
  26. Quadruple Billiard Ball Production and Vanish - L. Cohen
  27. Badly Matched - rhyme - "Lipka"
  28. magic note re: Arthur Buckley

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 11, Number 12 - October, 1924 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - The Great "Reyes"
  3. A Chat with You - and notes
  4. Death of Mr. Nevil Maskelyne
  5. Thru the Eye of a Needle [P. T. Selbit]
  6. Literature
    • The Magician - July
    • The Sphinx - September
    • The Magic Wand - October-November
    • The Linking Ring - September
    • The Magical Monthly - September
  7. "Talks, Tricks and Topics" - George F. Schulte
  8. Here and There
  9. "Silks of the Rajah" - G. C. Bowen
  10. News of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - G. E. Baxter
  11. The Detective Die - Improved - T. Page Wright
  12. Notes on Magic - Adam Hull Shirk
  13. The Rising Cards
    • Rising Card Variations
  14. Some Ideas - L. Cohen
    • Aerial Treasury
    • Coin in Any Egg
    • Egg Production
  15. More Magical Experiments
  16. Leaves From My Note Book - John Northern Hilliard
    • No. 2 - "The Chinese Rings"
  17. Klever Kard Kinks
    • Card Ideas - Paul Stadelman
  18. magic note re: Mysterious Smith
  19. "All Beer and Skittles" - Chas. Waller
    • Example 1
    • Example 2: The Topsy Turvy Bottle
    • Example 3: The Passe Passe Bottle and Glass
    • Example 4: The Skittish Skittle and the Balked Ball
  20. Poko Chinko (a variation) - Bert Douglas
  21. Patter for Three Shell Game - Herbert M. Richmond
  22. The Great Lafayette
  23. The Vanishing Water - Walter H. Mack
  24. Confetti and Flowers - C. H. Tickell
  25. A Rude Awakening - W. F. Elliott
  26. magic note re: Horace Goldin
192 pages
word count: 146342 which is equivalent to 585 standard pages of text