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Dr. Q's Tarot Telepathy
by Floyd Gerald Thayer


(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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Dr. Q's Tarot Telepathy by Floyd Gerald Thayer

Finally, a two-person mentalism act that doesn't use complicated codes, expensive electronics or stooges.

This is a godsend for the average mentalist, who may be wary of the time spent in training (and retraining) partners for the traditional two-person act. Tarot Telepathy transcends the code requirement, relying instead on the clever application of the "cradle-to-grave" type of psychological reading offered by the professional medium.

The performer, acts as the Medium, and is blindfolded and seated upon stage. His female assistant circulates among the audience, and randomly stands beside a person. Immediately, the performer begins to reveal information about this person, amazing everyone in the audience.

Allows the psychic and assistant to duplicate the two-person mental act as depicted in the book and motion picture, "Nightmare Alley." Nothing is written down at any time before or during the routine.

Not a question-and-answer act, but a series of apparent psychic readings for spectators (literally) selected at random from the audience. The readings are enlightening and insightful to the individual spectators and quite entertaining for the rest of the audience.

This type of entertainment goes over well in night clubs, casino floor shows, banquets and corporate events.

And that's not all. In this newly revised edition, we've expanded the original Thayer offering by adding additional chapters and practical suggestions for deriving extra value from Dr. Q's subtle methods. Comes complete with introductory and closing lectures, as well as suggested patter to use during the course of the demonstration.

The girl assistant learns her part quickly — in as little as five minutes. Yet, she has no clue as to how the psychic is able to provide the readings to people he has not previously met.

Once learned, you and your assistant can perform the act at a moment's notice, yet your audience will credit this as a remarkable exhibition of true psychic ability.

1st edition 1948, PDF 30 pages.
word count: 8945 which is equivalent to 35 standard pages of text


This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Two Person Codes