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Magical Bulletin Volume 5 (1917)
by Floyd Gerald Thayer

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Magical Bulletin Volume 5 (1917) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 1 - January, 1917 - 7 pages
  2. The Burned and Restored Turban - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising
  3. cover photo/article - Prof. Harry Cooke
  4. Editorial
  5. A Lemon Trick - The Great Alexander
  6. Good Chosen Card Stunt - Sam Bennett
  7. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Conjuror's Touch
  8. Publicus Curiositas - G. F. Schulte
  9. News and Notes
  10. Literature
    • Talks for Tricks - G. F. Schulte
    • Pictorial Review - January
    • The Sphinx - December
    • The Magic Wand - October & November
    • The Eagle Magician - December
    • The Breeze - weekly - E. E. Meredith
  11. Chats on Magic - A Review of Old Books and Tricks
    • A Hindoo Mystery

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 2 - February, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. The Burned and Restored Turban - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising
  3. cover photo/article - Mr. Harry Kellar
  4. Editorial
  5. "Another Emergency"
  6. On Covering
  7. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Watch and Handkerchief
  8. magical note
  9. News and Notes
  10. Put Hard Boiled Eggs Over on Magician
  11. A Mysterious Seance - The Editor
  12. Literature
    • The Sphinx - January
    • The Magazine of Magic - December
    • The Magician - September
    • Helpful Hints to Amateurs - Collins Pentz
  13. A Clever Dodge - Fred H. Roberts
  14. Chats on Magic - A Review of Old Books and Tricks
    • The Conjuror's Touch
  15. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 3 - March, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. The Burned and Restored Turban - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising
  3. cover photo/article - Louis F. Christianer
  4. Editorials
  5. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • The Burnt and Restored Handkerchief
    • The Surprise Vanish
  6. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Top Card
  7. Some Numerous Reminiscences - Louis C. Haley
  8. The Value of Practice - G. F. Schulte
  9. Stop Card Effect - Truman M. Frita
  10. News and Notes
  11. A Mysterious Seance - continued
  12. Literature
    • The Magic Wand - January
    • Eagle Magician - January
    • Travel Magazine - February
    • The Sphinx - February
    • George Johnson - recovered from illness
  13. Magic News From Melbourne, Australia
  14. Chats on Magic - A Review of Old Books and Tricks
    • The Mango Trick
  15. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 4 - April, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. The Burned and Restored Turban - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising
  3. cover photo/article - Maravilla & Co.
  4. Editorials
  5. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • The Svengali Spelling Bee
    • The "Simplicity" Nest of Boxes
  6. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Card and Bottle
  7. Statement of Ownership
  8. Conjuring Chatter - G. F. Schulte
  9. News and Notes
  10. A Mysterious Seance - continued
  11. How I Perform the Filtering Ink Illusion - E. M. Lipka
  12. Literature
    • The Sphinx - March
    • The Pathfinder
    • The Eagle Magician - February & March
    • The Magic Wand - February
  13. How to Practice - "A Student"
  14. Chats on Magic - A Review of Old Books and Tricks
    • An Opening Trick
  15. Passe Passe Card Trick - Louis C. Haley
  16. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 5 - May, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. The Burned and Restored Turban - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising
  3. cover photo/article - Alexander
  4. Editorials
  5. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • Furman's Thought Transmission
  6. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Four Kings
  7. The Card and Nailed Boards - H. Syril Dusenbery
  8. News and Notes
  9. The "Sucker" Coin Fold - H. A. Canar
  10. News from Melbourne
  11. Literature
    • The Magic Wand - March
    • The Eagle Magician - March
    • The Sphinx - April
    • The Magic World - April
    • The Magic Key - April
  12. Alexander's Watch and Nest of Boxes Trick - Alexander
  13. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 6 - June, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Prof. Samri S. Baldwin
  3. Editorial
  4. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • Rapid Vegetable Growth
  5. How I Perform the 21st Century Color Change - E. M. Lipka
  6. Malini's Stabbed-Card Trick - Louis C. Haley
  7. News and Notes
  8. "Magical Topics" - Schulte
  9. Literature
    • The Sphinx - May
    • Eagle Magician - April
    • The Magic Key - May
    • A Dozen of Magic - A. P. C. Medrington
  10. The Wandering Silks and Flowers - H. A. Canar
  11. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 7 - July, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Prof. E. M. Lipka
  3. Editorial
  4. A New Bulletin Binder - advertising
  5. magical notes
  6. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • The Candle and Flag (Christianer)
    • The Rabbit's Escape
  7. The Alarm Clock Trick - H. Syril Dusenbery
  8. "Magical Topics" - Schulte
  9. News and Notes
  10. A Coin Flourish
  11. Torn and Restored (Thayer Method)
  12. magical note
  13. Literature
    • The Sphinx - June
    • Eagle Magician - May
    • Popular Magazine - June 7
    • The Magic Wand - May
    • The Magic Key - Number 3, Volume 1
  14. Another Useful Tip
  15. Incidentally - re: Hoffmann's "More Magic" page 35
  16. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 8 - August, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Louis Nikola
  3. News and Notes
  4. Editorial
  5. In Case of Emergency - Edward W. Puhl
  6. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • Magic Music
  7. Ovette's Novel Stand
  8. The Alarm Clock Trick - A Few Improvements - Edwardo
  9. The Stabbed Card - F. L. Christie
  10. How I Make My Own Flags - David Bell
  11. Literature
    • The Sphinx - July
    • The Magic Wand - June & July
    • The Eagle Magician - July
    • The Magic Key - July not received
  12. The Penetrating Eye - Prof. E. M. Lipka
  13. A Schulte Essay
  14. An Original Effect - G. C. Bowen
  15. A Prize Winner - Lipka
  16. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 9 - September, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. cover photo/article - The Fakir of Ava
  3. News and Notes - Magicians Mingle
  4. Editorial
  5. The Cigarette Paper - Louis F. Christianer
  6. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • Patter for "Auto-Magnetism Supreme"
  7. Madison, Wisconsin, News Notes - Louis C. Haley
  8. Official Notes - Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. - H. Syril Dusenbery
  9. Torn and Restored - R. H. Merrill
  10. The Fan and Gloves - H. A. Canar
  11. magical note
  12. Literature
    • The Sphinx - August
    • The Eagle Magician - August
    • The Magic Key - July
    • Magical Novelties - Christianer
    • Holmes' Magical Notes and Comments
    • M.U.M. - July
  13. The Tube of Peace - G. C. Bowen
  14. magical note
  15. The Magnetic Wand - Theo. Bamberg
  16. Magic - poem - C. Henry Sousa
  17. magical notes
  18. Magicians and Collectors Attention! - John W. Sargent
  19. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 10 - October, 1917 - 8 pages
  2. cover photo/article - S. Syril Dusenbery
  3. News and Notes
  4. Editorial
  5. "Ne Plus Ultra" - Prof. E. M. Lipka
  6. Juggling and Magic - "A Student"
  7. Official Notes - Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. - H. Syril Dusenbery
  8. magical notes
  9. The Flying Handkerchief - Louis F. Christianer
  10. A Mystic Production - H. A. Canar
  11. Literature
    • The Sphinx - September
    • The Magic Wand - not available
    • Eagle Magician - September
    • Donald Holmes' Magical Notes and Comments - October
    • The Magic Key
    • Magical Notions - Louis F. Christianer
  12. Another Suggestion - candle effect - G. C. Bowen
  13. magical notes
  14. Statement of Ownership
  15. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 11 - November, 1917 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Harry Houdini
  3. News and Notes
  4. Editorial
  5. The Traveling Card - H. Syril Dusenbery
  6. Official Notes - Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. - H. Syril Dusenbery
  7. The Robes of Araxes - Preston Langley Hickey
  8. Literature
    • The Sphinx - October
    • The Eagle Magician - October
    • The Magic Key - October
    • The Magic World - 3 issues
    • Holmes' Magical Notes
  9. A Premature Funeral - Maxwell Chamberlin
  10. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • Continuous Front and Back Palm with Thimble
    • "Dog Gone" Combination
  11. A Brilliant Change - cards - H. A. Canar
  12. Newspaper clipping of Howard Thurston's show in Pittsburgh
  13. "A Conjuring Pantomine" [sic] - G. C. Bowen
  14. The Changing Ribbons - R. H. Merrill
  15. A Card Effect
  16. A Fine Pocket Trick - matches - Louis F. Christianer
  17. A Startling Club Effect - David Bell
  18. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 12 - December, 1917 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Theodore Bamberg
  3. News and Notes
  4. Editorial
  5. For Beginners
  6. G. Wilhelm (Dr. George W. Fraker) - death
  7. magical note re: The Eagle Magician
  8. With the Dealers
  9. Official Notes - Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. - H. Syril Dusenbery
  10. Wake Up Magic Societies
  11. Mysterious Candle and Dollar Bill - David Bell
  12. Magic and Hand Shadows - "A Student"
  13. Pages from an Amateur Conjuror's Note Book - Frederick F. Furman
    • An Egg "Eggsperiment"
    • Shell Coin Notes
      • Half Dollar Changed to Dime
      • Hand to Hand
      • Emergency Hooked Coins
  14. Literature
    • The Sphinx - November
    • Holmes' Magical Notes and Comments - November
    • The Magic Key - November
  15. A Good Combination - F. C. Lewis
  16. Appearing, Disappearing and Reappearing Alarm Clock - S. S. Henry
  17. "The Card of Tartarus" - Herrman Homar
  18. An Opening Combination - R. H. Merrill
  19. The Penetrating Card - H. A. Canar
  20. Madison, Wis. News Notes - Louis C. Haley
  21. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column
104 pages
word count: 72521 which is equivalent to 290 standard pages of text