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Magical Bulletin Volume 6 (1918)
by Floyd Gerald Thayer

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Magical Bulletin Volume 6 (1918) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 1 - January, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Thayer's New Magical Palace - A Corner of the Display Room
  3. Editorial
  4. News and Notes
  5. Grand Magic Festival - Los Angeles Magicians' Club and Opening of Thayer's Magical Palace
  6. An Easy Card Force - Maxwell Chamberlin
  7. Paper Finger Manipulation - Kenneth Still
  8. An Experiment in So-Called Psychromotism - Alexander
  9. The Pipes of Japan - G. C. Bowen
  10. Literature
    • Holmes' Magical Notes - December
    • The Sphinx - December
    • Eagle Magician - December
    • The M.U.M.
    • Magicians in Minneapolis private publication - December
    • The Magic Key - not received
  11. The Key Card Mystery - Edward W. Puhl
  12. A Trick with a Dollar Bill - "Marvell"
  13. The Troublesome Thimble - Magical Ovette
  14. magical notes
  15. With a Coin and Ball - H. A. Canar
  16. The Mirror Glass Revised - Preston Langley Hickey
  17. magical note
  18. Hints and Suggestions for Beginners - Louis F. Christianer
    • An Opening Trick
  19. A Fortune Telling Experiment - C. J. Hagen
  20. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 2 - February, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Thayer's New Magical Palace - A Glimpse of the Stage
  3. Editorial
  4. News and Notes
  5. The Art of Magic - Carl Mayflower
  6. The Flight of Time - David Bell
  7. magic note re: Fred Eldred
  8. The Kings and Queens - H. A. Canar
  9. Literature
    • Donald Holmes' Magic Notes - January
    • The Eagle Magician - December
    • The Magic Key - December
    • The Billboard
    • The Sphinx - January
  10. Houdini's Latest - Performs Vanishing Elephant Mystery for First Time
  11. magic note
  12. The Rice Bowls Again - Ladson Butler
  13. Another Card Frame - R. H. Merrill
  14. magic notes
  15. phot/article - Dana Walden
  16. A Showy Production - G. C. Bowen
  17. magic note re: Geo. W. Stock
  18. Hints and Suggestions for Beginners - Louis F. Christianer
    • The Flag and Egg
  19. The Card Called For - Elmer J. Whipple
  20. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 3 - March, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Thayer's New Magical Palace - The Factory
  3. Editorial
  4. News and Notes
  5. Prof. Harry Cooke Entertains Los Angeles Magicians - Celebrates Seventy-Fourth Birthday
  6. The Fork - Preston Langley Hickey
  7. A Few Notions - Marion
  8. Thayer's "Spooky-ookum" Again - C. J. Hagen
  9. Literature
    • The Sphinx - February
    • The Magic Key - January
    • Holmes' Magic Notes - February
    • Popular Science Monthly
    • The Billboard
    • The Eagle Magician - January
  10. Mr. Harry Kellar
  11. Improved Sand Spirit Frame - Magical Ovette
  12. The Astral Doves - G. C. Bowen
  13. magic note
  14. A Neat Card Move - Konnor
  15. An Effective Combination - J. T. Crawford
  16. A New Effect with Cards - Carl Mayflower
  17. Hints and Suggestions for Beginners - Louis F. Christianer
    • A Shower of Silks
  18. Official Notes - Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. - H. Syril Dusenbery
  19. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 4 - April, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. Los Angeles Magicians Society - Second Grand Magic Show and Ladies Night
  3. Editorial
  4. Dr. Saram R. Ellison - obituary
  5. News and Notes
  6. The Old Tricks - Preston Langley Hickey
  7. The Mysterious Changing Balls - F. G. Thayer
  8. A Continuous Card Palm - H. A. Canar
  9. The Enchanted Watch - G. C. Bowen
  10. A Novel Move with Two Coins - Carl Mayflower
  11. magic note re: O. Justiniani
  12. Literature
    • The Sphinx - March
    • The Eagle Magician - February
    • The Billboard
    • "The Psychomancers" in Popular - March 21
  13. A Ball Sleight - C. Roswell Glover
  14. The Simplicity Rising Cards - Kenneth Still
  15. magic note re: T. J. Crawford
  16. The Egg and Handkerchief - Paul Knight
  17. A Few Facts - David Bell - hints
  18. Statement of Ownership
  19. Hints and Suggestions for Beginners - Louis F. Christianer
    • A Faked Card
  20. William Robinson, Magician (Chung Ling Soo - died on stage
  21. magic note re: E. V. Klein
  22. A "Soldier's" Rising cards - R. H. Merrill
  23. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 5 - May, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo - Alexander & Co.
  3. Editorial
    • In Loving Memory of Merritt W. Thayer
  4. News and Notes
  5. Old Tricks in New Clothes - silk dying - T. J. Crawford
  6. Doing Our "Bit"
  7. Magic note re: S. H. Robinson
  8. Mysterious Vase Speaks - Will Be Exhibited This Week at Benefit by W. W. Durbin
  9. magic note
  10. An Up To Date act - E. V. Klein
  11. Literature
    • The Sphinx - April
    • The Billboard
    • The Eagle Magician - not received
    • Magic Key - not received
    • Holmes' Magic Notes
  12. To My Friend Robert Madison - The Secrets of Magic - poem - C. Henry Sousa
  13. Henry's Improved Cigarette Paper Test
  14. Beldinos' Devil of a Glass - C. J. Hagen
  15. A Trick with "Bull" and a Thimble - H. A. Canar
  16. Traveling Card Trick - H. Syril Dusenbery
  17. magic note re: April M.U.M.
  18. Hints and Suggestions for Beginners - Louis F. Christianer
    • The Three Cards
  19. The Vanishing Wand - Maxwell Chamberlin
  20. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 6 - June, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - W. W. Durbin
  3. Editorial
  4. News and Notes
  5. Old Tricks in New Clothes - ring and string - T. J. Crawford
  6. An Effective Billiard Ball Vanish - James F. Lee
  7. The Enchanted Flowers Effect - G. C. Bowen
  8. Magicians Patter - Contributed
  9. Dr. Samuel C. Hooker - Dumfounds the World's Greatest Magicians
  10. Literature
    • The Sphinx - May
    • The Eagle Magician - March & April
    • Magic World - May
    • Magic Key - not received
    • The Billboard
  11. A Few Moves with a Billiard Ball - Maxwell Chamberlin
  12. The Candle and Silk - David Bell
  13. When the War is Over, Laddie - poem - Hilf, McPhillips & Allen
  14. The A. D. T. Card Trick - H. A. Canar
  15. Hints and Suggestions for Beginners - Louis F. Christianer
    • The Third Card
  16. The Billiard Ball Box - E. V. Klein
  17. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 7 - July, 1918 - 8 pages
  2. A Visit to Mystery Land - poem - Mrs. Dana Walden
  3. magic note re: The Society of L. A. Magicians
  4. Flower Growth, De Luxe Effect - G. C. Bowen
  5. Editorial
  6. Magicians Patter - Contributed
  7. Old Tricks in New Clothes - rising cards - T. J. Crawford
  8. The Kaiser's Fate - "Eedo"
  9. magic note re: Marvell the Great
  10. magic note re: Belinfante
  11. Satan's Mail - L. F. Christie
  12. magic note re: Sam Robinson
  13. The Scrap of Paper - Bert Higgins
  14. A Tip for the Color-Change with Cards - Maxwell Chamberlin
  15. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 8 - August, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo - some members of the Golden Gate Assembly, No. 2, S.A.M.
  3. Editorial
  4. To Prof. Lipka - Vivimas, Vivamas! - poem - C. Henry Sousa
  5. Old Tricks in New Clothes - linking rings - T. J. Crawford
  6. magic note re: Dr. R. C. Finkle "Finklelle"
  7. A Novel Changing Box - David Bell
  8. Special Notice
  9. Magicians Patter - Contributed
  10. Magical Pick-Ups - J. Allen Troke
  11. Daughter of Prof. Cooke Weds
  12. Literature
    • The Sphinx - June & July
    • The Eagle Magician - May & June
    • Magic World - June
    • Magic Key - June
    • The Billboard
  13. News and Notes
  14. The Chinese Mystery - G. C. Bowen
  15. The Evolution of the Flags - Wilford Hutchinson
  16. To Soften the Hands - Maxwell Chamberlain
  17. magic note re: Klein
  18. The "Ejef" Flag Vanish - Edward J. Faehnle
  19. Russell Genii Coin Trick - H. J. Russell
  20. Los Angeles Society of Magicians
  21. Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. - Robert J. Stull
  22. magic note re: Rev. C. H. Woolston
  23. magic note re: Yendes
  24. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 9 - September, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - G. C. Bowen
  3. Editorial
  4. Kellar's Big Catch
  5. Old Tricks in New Clothes - slate writing - T. J. Crawford
  6. A Cigarette Trick for the Soldiers - Jesse A. Muelier
  7. Irish Exaggeration - humor - Lipka
  8. Magicians Patter - Contributed
    • Thayer's Spirit Hand - Geo. De Lawrence
  9. "The Secret Tube" - Charles Waller
    • "The Growth of Flowers"
  10. A New Magical Society - in Syracuse, NY
  11. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  12. Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. - Robert J. Stull
  13. A Patriotic Combination - G. C. Bowen
  14. Another Tissue Paper Mystery - Chas. C. Arras
  15. An Easy False Shuffle - Paul R. Semple
  16. Department of Magical Reviews - Preston Langley Hickey
  17. The Mystic Circle of Boston - H. C. Kleemann
  18. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column
  19. Special Notice

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 10 - October, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photos - Yendys
  3. Editorial
  4. Liberty's Sacrifice - poem - Newton C. Reynolds
  5. A Few Magical Jokes, Original and Otherwise, Mostly Otherwise - Paul R. Semple
  6. A Mirror Casket, Die and Flag Combination - Frederick P. Furman
  7. Improved Jumping Rubber Band Trick - Paul R. Semple
  8. Magicians Patter - Contributed
    • The Color-Changing Cards - Geo. De Lawrence
  9. magic note re: E. E. Duryee "Eedo"
  10. A Dollar Bill Mystery - Ernest K. Schieldge
  11. Statement of Ownership
  12. Torn Card and Silk Effect - Bert Higgins
  13. Bramah's Mystery - G. C. Bowen
  14. The Mystic Circle of Boston - H. C. Kleemann
  15. A Card Flourish - Paul R. Semple
  16. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  17. Department of Magical Reviews - Preston Langley Hickey
    • September Magazine Review
      • The Sphinx - September
      • Eagle Magician - September
      • Magic World - September
      • Magic Key - to resume
  18. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 11 - November, 1918 - Peace - 12 pages
  2. cover photo - J. Allen Troke
  3. Editorial
  4. Rev. J. Allan Troke
  5. cartoon
  6. magic note re: Alexander
  7. magic note re: DeLawrence
  8. Old Tricks in New Clothes - T. J. Crawford
    • The Thimble
  9. Bowl of Flowers - G. C. Bowen
  10. magic note re: Louis F. Christianer
  11. A Trick with Tape - R. H. Merrill
  12. Away Out West - poem
  13. Magicians Patter - Contributed
    • The Egg Bag - Geo. De Lawrence
  14. Why Not An Inexhaustible Knitting Bag
  15. The Late Chung Ling Soo (W. E. Robinson) - An Appreciation - Carl Mayflower
  16. Notes from Syracuse, N.Y. - C. Roswell Glover
  17. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
    • cartoon of Prof. Harry G. Cooke
  18. An Easy Color Scheme - Paul R. Semple
  19. Improved Spirit Post - Magical Ovette
  20. Literature
    • October Magazine Review
      • The Sphinx - October
      • The Eagle Magician - October
      • The Magic World
      • Billboard
      • Holmes' Magical Notes and Comments - not received
      • The Magic Key - May
      • Magic for the Forces - Will Goldston
      • Practical Magic with Popular Patter
  21. Neat Card Maneuver - Geo. De Lawrence
  22. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 12 - December, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. message from F. G. Thayer
  3. Editorial and notes
  4. Color Changing Thimble - L. F. Christianer
  5. Egg Bag Combination - E. V. klein
  6. Magicians Patter - Contributed
    • Opening Patter with Hat Production of Flowers and Handkerchiefs - Dr. C. W. Talbot
  7. Specimens of Opening Patter - C. Henry Sousa
  8. For Working Effect Using Skull - humor
  9. A Thrilling Experience with Ghosts - Newton G. Reynolds
  10. A Color Change with Cards - J. M. Chamberlain
  11. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  12. Bowl of Isis - G. C. Bowen
  13. A Rag Picture Wrinkle - K. W. Still
  14. Literature
    • Magazine Review for November
      • The Sphinx - November
      • The Magic Key - June
      • The Eagle Magician - October
      • The Magic World - November
      • Holmes' Magical Notes and Comments - October
      • Practical Magic with Popular Patter - Guy K. Austin
      • Magic for the Forces - Will Goldston
  15. "A Burnt and Restored Bill Combination" - Victor D. Barbour
  16. Bulletin Liners - For Sale, Wanted and Exchange Column
140 pages
word count: 98021 which is equivalent to 392 standard pages of text