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Magical Bulletin Volume 8 (1920)
by Floyd Gerald Thayer

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Magical Bulletin Volume 8 (1920) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 1 - January, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - H. Kellar & F. Trewey
  3. Editorial
  4. cover photo article - Two Deans of Prestidigitation - Adam Hull Shirk
  5. note re: Edward H. Philbrook
  6. Conquering a Handicap - Preston Langley Hickey
  7. The Menace of Exposure - Edward H. Philbrook
  8. Literature
    • The Sphinx - December
    • The Magic Wand - December
    • Felsman's Magical Review - third issue
    • Maddock's Magic Searchlight - December
    • Revelations
    • Passez Muscade (France)
    • Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurers' Chronicle
    • Billboard
  9. Hoffmann's "Concentration Extraordinary" - Chas. Waller
  10. A Little Bit of Everything - Geo. DeLawrence
  11. note re: Marco
  12. Stunts with Chalk - Sailor Christman
  13. The Ball of Knowledge - G. C. Bowen
  14. note re: The Great Edwells Company
  15. Ornson's Corset Lace Trick
  16. Mysteries of Choy Fong - G. C. Bowen
  17. The Disappearing Green Peas - L. Cohen
  18. note re: Prof. A. J. Clements
  19. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
    • "A Goodbye to the Old Year" - poem
  20. note re: Alexander
  21. Notes from Chicago - Geo. DeLawrence
  22. News and Notes

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 2 - February, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - The Great Kara
  3. Editorial
  4. cover photo article - Kara
  5. Obituary
    • Otto Hornman
    • George Silver
    • Mrs. T. W. McGrath
    • Hugh Johnston, Jr.
  6. note re: Edward H. Philbrook
  7. Card of Thanks - T. W. McGrath
  8. "At the Foot of the Rainbow" - Chas. Waller
  9. A Novelty Combination - Glyndon
  10. Relocaction of Selected Cards - Geo. De Lawrence
  11. Literature
    • The Sphinx - January?
    • The Magic Wand - January?
    • Felsman's Magical Review
    • Maddock's Magic Searchlight
    • Billboard
    • Revelations
    • Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurers' Chronicle
  12. "Creation" - G. C. Bowen
  13. The Psychology of Deception - Carl Mayflower
  14. Magical History
  15. "A Night in Our Hammocks" - Chalk Talk Opening - Arthur Lloyd & Sailor Christman
  16. note re: Harry Rich
  17. note re: Chas. T. Jordan
  18. Some More Odds and Ends
  19. Another Suggestion - re: Thayer Die Box - Dorian
  20. note re: Marco
  21. The Escape from Sing-Sing - W. W. Durbin
  22. note re: death of "Doc" Elliott
  23. News and Notes
  24. Facetious Squibs
  25. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - Edward H. Philbrook
  26. Notes from Chicago - Geo. De Lawrence
  27. Seattle-Victoria Mystic Circle - DeForrest

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 3 - March, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - Malini
  3. Editorial
  4. A Rehearsal - Edward H. Philbrook
  5. With the Fairies - Chas. Waller
  6. note re: Rear Admiral J. V. Bleeker
  7. note re: Edwin Balfour
  8. Conquering a Handicap - Preston Langley Hickey - continued
  9. The Modern Pigeon Vanish - Reuben P. Ginsberg
  10. Seattle-Victoria Mystic Circle - DeForrest
  11. note re: Harry G. Cooke
  12. note re: The Great Blackstone
  13. note re: La Follette
  14. A Patter Suggestion - re: New Era Coin and Lemon Trick - Herbert M. Richmond
  15. note re: Al Flosso
  16. note re: E. V. Klein
  17. Another Die Combination - E. V. Klein
  18. note re: H. George Golden
  19. note re: DeMateo
  20. note re: Prof. Zano
  21. Stunts with Chalk - Christman
  22. Loading a Hat - Chamethods
  23. Chicago Notes - Geo. DeLawrence

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 4 - April, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - The Great Blackstone
  3. Editorial
  4. Statement of Ownership
  5. Conceptions of "Choy Fong" - Series No. 2 - G. C. Bowen
  6. note re: Alexander
  7. The "Rubber-Band" Pass - Charles Waller
  8. new publication - "Parlor Problems, or Mental Mathematical Magic" by Preston Langley Hickey
  9. Literature
    • The Sphinx
    • The Magic Wand
    • Felsman's Magical Review
    • The Magic World
    • Maddock's Magic Searchlight - March
    • The Magazine of Magic
    • Stanyon's Magic
    • The Billboard
  10. new publication - "Vaudeville Ventriloquism" by David J. Lustig (La Vellma) & R. W. Doidge
  11. Seattle-Victoria Mystic Circle - DeForrest
  12. A Spook Party De Luxe - V. Jefferson
  13. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  14. note re: Chas. T. Jordan & Art Felsman
  15. note re: Corinne Carter
  16. Opening Patter - Geo. DeLawrence
  17. Patter for "Solid Through Solid" - Frederick F. Furman
  18. New Penetrating Coin - Reuben P. Ginsberg
  19. A Simple Production Cylinder - Len J. Sewell
  20. News and Notes
  21. Chicago Notes - Geo. DeLawrence
  22. Great Nerve trick - Mons. Ducaral
  23. note re: Rybolt
  24. note re: Matt Martin

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 5 - May, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - Harry Rich
  3. Editorial
  4. cover photo article - Harry Rich
  5. note re: Charles Andress
  6. note re: Frederick Martin
  7. "A Coin Vanish" - J. P. Ornson
  8. Think It Over! - poem - C. Henry Sousa
  9. Literature
    • The Sphinx - April
    • The Magic Wand - April
    • Felsman's Magical Review - April
    • Hutchinson's Conjurers' Chronicle - April
    • The Magic World - not received
    • Stanyon's Magic - not received
    • Goldston's Magazine of Magic - not received
    • Thirty Card Mysteries - Charles T. Jordan
    • M.U.M. - April
    • The Billboard
    • Vaudeville Magic - David J. Lustig (La Vellma)
  10. A Card Problem - Glyn Don
  11. Magic and Magic - Oscar S. Teale
  12. Improved Expanding Egg - G. C. Bowen
  13. note re: Aleko and Co.
  14. News and Notes
  15. Easily Satisfied - humor
  16. The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  17. The Spirit Light - Reuben P. Ginsberg
  18. This and That - Horace Marshall
  19. New Wrinkle for Mystic Box and Lucky Die - Louis M. Rathburn
  20. A Parlor Effect with a Stripper Deck - Geo. DeLawrence
  21. Chicago Conjurors' Club and Chicago Notes - Geo. DeLawrence
  22. Odds and Ends - Geo. DeLawrence
  23. note re: Val Jean
  24. Paper Tearing De Luxe - Preston Langley Hickey
  25. note re: Al Letellier
  26. note re: Dana Walden
  27. A New Book in the Making - from Charles Waller

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 6 - June, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - Frank Fewins
  3. Editorial
  4. Statement of Ownership
  5. cover photo article - Frank Fewins
  6. News and Notes
  7. New Challenge Extraordinary - Glyn Don
  8. Literature
    • The Sphinx - May
    • The Magic Wand - May
    • Magazine of Magic - April
    • The Magic World - May
    • Felsman's Magical Review - May
    • Hutchinson's Chronicle - May
    • M.U.M. - May
    • The Billboard
    • N.C.A. Bulletin - May
    • Vaudeville Mind Reading - David J. Lustig (La Vellma)
  9. The Mental X-Ray - G. C. Bowen
  10. The Dramatics, Aa Applied to Magic - Gerard Gerard-Thiers
  11. Old Tricks Re-Made - Herbert M. Richmond
    • Patter for Egg Bag
  12. The Annual Banquet of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  13. The Wands of Mah Hoe - Charles Waller
  14. Card Changes Under Foot - DeLawrence
  15. A Seeming Miracle on a Pocket Billiard Table - C. Fred Crosby
  16. "Ne Plus Ultra" - Prof. E. M. Lipka
  17. The Chameleon Paper Balls - Mons. Ducarel
  18. note re: Victor D. Barbour
  19. note re: Arthur Lloyd
  20. Chicago Notes - George DeLawrence

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 7 - July, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - George Schulte
  3. Editorial
  4. cover photo article - Meet Mr. Schulte
  5. letter from C. A. George Newmann
  6. A Thimble Move - Reuben P. Ginsberg
  7. Hon. W. W. Durbin Meets Miss Los Angeles and Other Old Friends - with photo
  8. Old Tricks Remade - Herbert M. Richmond
    • parlor act using Thayer's Rising card Tray, The Card in the Egg & the Presto Card Frame
  9. Novel Use of Mephisto Coin Cup - Clarence A. Locan
  10. Card in Egg - Geo. DeLawrence
  11. Modern Card Effects and How to Perform Them - George DeLawrence & James "Kater" Thompson
  12. Oh! Those Wedding Presents! - Len J. Sewell
  13. Novel Card Discovery
  14. magic note re: Wm. J. Hilliar retires from "The Billboard"
  15. The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - Our Third Annual Banquet and Ladies' Night - 1920 Model - T. W. McGrath
  16. Chicago Notes - George DeLawrence
  17. New York News and Notes - Clinton Burgess
  18. Mysterious Balls of Fire - C. Ducarel
  19. magic note re: Philadelphia Assembly 4 "An Evening of Magic"
  20. magic note re: "Hidden Danger" Vitagraph serial

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 8 - August, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - The Ranees
  3. Editorial and notes
  4. cover photo article - Biography of Frank and Alice Ranee & Co. - Edward W. Puhl
  5. book review - Deceptive Conceptions in Magic by Stanley Collins
  6. Literature
    • The Sphinx - July
    • The Magic Wand - July
    • Felsman's Magical Review - June-July
  7. Clinton Burgess Says - re: N.C.A.
  8. The Bran Vase - Charles Waller
  9. magic note re: Harry W. Miller
  10. advance notice - "Up His Sleeve"
  11. Old Tricks Remade - III - Herbert M. Richmond
    • Welsh Rarebit Pan
  12. A Trick with Chalk - Sailor Artist Christman
  13. A Trickster Opening Speech - Geo. DeLawrence
  14. Thayer's No. 170 - Torn and Restored Paper - Geo. DeLawrence
  15. The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  16. Magic note re: - LaVarna and Co.
  17. Alexander Lemon Trick in New Manner - Clarence A. Locan
  18. more on "Up His Sleeve"
  19. "Rainbow Gold" - Len J. Sewell
  20. With cards - Something for the Back Hand Palm - Reuben P. Ginsberg
  21. Notes from Chicago - Geo. DeLawrence
  22. photo of William J. Hilliar & George DeLawrence
  23. A Cigarette Vanish - Walter B. Gibson

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 9 - September, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - Col. King Stanley
  3. Editorial and notes
  4. Read This and Then Come to California - Kellar
  5. cover photo article - Col. King Stanley
  6. Improved "Quick and the Dead" - G. C. Bowen
  7. program - An Evening of Mystery With Rybolt
  8. Note Bulletin Back Copies
  9. magic note re: Bernardo Bosco
  10. Jack in the Box - Charles Waller
  11. Preacher Shows How Red Ropes and Trick Boxes Teach Children - re: Rev. Clarence S. Long
  12. magic note re: W. W. Lee
  13. magic note re: T. J. Crawford
  14. magic note re: Howard Clefense
  15. Another New Die Through the Hat - Len J. Sewell
  16. Old Tricks Re-Made - IV - Herbert M. Richmond
  17. The Annual Picnic and Outing of The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  18. magic note re: Arthur D. Gans
  19. How to Become a Club Performer - Geo. DeLawrence
  20. Stunts with Chalk - Sailor Artist Chris
  21. Coin Through Table a la Herrmann - Clarence A. Locan
  22. Clinton Burgess Says - re: standard mechanical tricks
  23. Magic Race Horses - humor
  24. The Three-Fold Conjurer's Stroke - Obed E. Smelzer
  25. "Magic in and Around Toronto" - Edwin Balfour

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 10 - October, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - George DeLawrence
  3. Editorial
  4. Statement of Ownership
  5. cover photo article - George DeLawrence
  6. magic note re: visitors to California
  7. letter re: death of John William Sargent - from Clinton Burgess
  8. "Books" - Edward W. Puhl
  9. "It Pays to Advertise" - humor from Dr. Stone
  10. magic note re: "Up His Sleeve" by Charles Waller
  11. A "Spirit" Painting - Len J. Sewell
  12. "Puns" - Billy LeMont
  13. So This Is Mexico - Tia Juana (Te-ha-wa-na) - poem - "Silent Mora
  14. Literature
    • The Sphinx - September
    • The Magic Wand - September
    • Dr. Pierce's Magic World - September
    • Pithy Patter - Gro. DeLawrence
    • Up-to-Date Magical Ideas - B. L. Gilbert
    • Better Magic - series - published by Collins Pentz
    • Charles Jordan's No. 4 in his Ten Trick Series
    • The Boy's Book of Magic - Hereward Carrington
  15. "Conceptions of Choy Fong - No. III - G. C. Bowen
  16. magic note re: Carl Zamlock
  17. A Practical Tip - re: music - Gerard Gerard-Thiers
  18. A Good Opening with Two Pieces of Tape - Clarence A. Locan
  19. The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  20. magic note re: F. G. Thayer is the sole owner
  21. magic note re: Harold Lloyd
  22. Old Tricks Re-Made - Herbert M. Richmond
    • Article V - Excelsior Billiard Balls
    • Article VI - Miniature Silk Vanish
  23. Chalk Talk - Sailor Christman
  24. letter from C. Alexander
  25. How to Become a Club Worker - Geo. DeLawrence
  26. magic note re: marriage of Preston Langley Hickey
  27. Metropolitan Magic and Miscellaneous News and Notes - Clinton Burgess
  28. The Flying Eggs - M. Ducarel

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 11 - November, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - Al Flosso
  3. Editorial
  4. cover photo article - Al Flosso
  5. My Thanksgiving Toast - poem - E. M. Lipka
  6. magic note re: Alexander
  7. What is Treweyism? - The Creative Genius of the Master Entertainer Marks an Epoch - C. Gaultier
  8. The Flying Dice - G. C. Bowen
  9. Literature
    • The Sphinx - October
    • The Magic World - October
    • Goldston's Magazine of Magic - Vol. 8, No. 1 - October
    • The N.C.A. Digest - September-October
    • The Magic Wand - not received
    • Felsman's Magical Review - not received
    • Hutchinson's Chronicle
  10. magic note re: Francis P. Arnold
  11. magic note re: more on "Up His Sleeve"
  12. The Trial by Ordeal - Len J. Sewell
  13. magic note re: Jarrow
  14. Magical Dreams of Tomorrow - Adam Hull Shirk
    • 1. The Futuristic Magician
  15. Idea for Vanishing Smallest Packs in the Diminishing Card Experiment - Adam Hull Shirk
  16. Old Tricks Re-Made - Herbert M. Richmond
    • Article VII - Hat Loads
  17. Bottled Silk - Charles Waller
  18. magic note re: The Escalante Bros.
  19. How to Become a Club Worker - Continued - Geo. DeLawrence
  20. Effects with a Stripper Deck - George DeLawrence
  21. New Stunts for the Chalk Talker - Harry C. Bjorklund
  22. "Puns" - Billy LeMont
  23. Metropolitan Magic and Miscellaneous News and Notes - Clinton Burgess
  24. magic note re: Dr. "Q" Dark Trumpet Seance
  25. magic note re: Count Ramiro Galvez
  26. The Ghostly Puffs - Bert Douglas
  27. Chicago Assembly No. 3, S.A.M. - Earl A. Lockamn
  28. magic note re: "The Chinese Peddler" in December issue
  29. magic note re: death of Bobby Fountain

  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 12 - December, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - F. G. Thayer
  3. Editorial and notes
  4. The Los Angeles Society of Magicians - T. W. McGrath
  5. magic note re: Edwin Brush
  6. Literature
    • The Sphinx - November
    • The Magazine of Magic - November
    • The Magic World - November
    • M.U.M. - November
    • The Conjurers' Chronicle - November
    • The Magic Wand - not received
    • Stanyon's Magic - not received
    • The Magic Art - Donald Holmes
  7. magic note re: Nate Leipzig
  8. The Chinese Peddler - Charles Waller
  9. Magical Dreams of Tomorrow - Adam Hull Shirk
    • II - The Pipes of Pan
  10. The Union of the Queen and Jack - Adam Hull Shirk
  11. A Novel Aerial Treasury - Bert Douglas
  12. A Christmas Trick for Youngsters - Geo. DeLawrence
  13. magic note re: Alexander and his Show of Wonders
  14. Original Effect with Ball and Vase - After W. W. Durbin
  15. Trewey is Dead
  16. The Turnover Card - D. N. MacDougall
    • [Three] Methods of Loading Glass with Bleaching Acid for Water to Wine
  17. magic note re: The Wizard's Club of New York City - banquet and entertainment
  18. Minneapolis Mystic Circle in the Limelight - Collins Pentz
  19. A Stunt in Paper Cutting - Harry C. Bjorklund
    • The Red Cross Nurse
  20. Tarbell's Chalk Talk Book
192 pages
word count: 143335 which is equivalent to 573 standard pages of text