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Mentalism for Magicians
by Larry Becker


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Mentalism for Magicians by Larry Becker

More wonderful and baffling routines by the creative mind of Larry Becker.

1st edition 1981; original 66 pages; PDF 52 pages.

  1. Monte Inferno
  2. Ultimate Matrix
  3. Flip-Flop Flush
  4. Bucking The Odds
  5. The Stress Test & The Black Spot
  6. King's Row
  7. Heads Or Tails
  8. Money Monte
  9. The Little Black Book
  10. Headliner
  11. Mind Blaster-Stage Version
  12. Edmund E.S.P. Tester
  13. Dynamation
  14. Impromptu Espitome
  15. The Conversion Principle

word count: 19503 which is equivalent to 78 standard pages of text