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Larry Becker

Larry Becker

(Baltimore, Maryland: 13th August 1929 - 7th October 2023)

Born in Baltimore, Maryland. Inspired in 1943 seeing a Dante show. Former head of an ad agency and marketing syndicator (Becker-Kanter). Top-line mentalist, particularly noted for his creativity and writings. Semi-pro c1969 - c1984 and pro since then.

Internationally acclaimed mentalist, author, lecturer and winner of the prestigious "Mentalist of the Year Award." Recipient of the Psychic Entertainers Association Achievement Award for outstanding contributions to the art of mentalism. Awarded Lifetime Membership in the Psychic Entertainers Association. Winner of the Milbourne Christopher Foundation Literary Award for notable contributions to the Art of Magic. Author of four best selling books on mentalism and magic. And in July 1999, Larry Becker was inducted into the Society of American Magicians Hall of Fame. In June 2000, awarded The Lederman Award by the Psychic Entertainers Association for outstanding creativity in mentalism. Holder of England's prestigious Magic Circle MIMC with Gold Star.

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Larry Becker
Mental Masterpieces by Larry Becker

Larry Becker is a name in mentalism that doesn't need any introduction. Here he performs a 40-minute show in front of a live audience and then teaches every nuance of every effect performed except the last effect.

  • H.G. Wells' Time Machine: An audience member thinks of a year in the seventeenth century and writes it on an envelope containing a modern coin. The coin envelope is held by the audience member and remains in full view throughout. Upon opening the envelope an old pirate coin is found to have the thought of date engraved on it. Proving that the coin went back in time to the thought-of...
Larry Becker
Standing Ovation by Larry Becker

Larry Becker is an internationally recognized power house of mentalism. He has created some of the most baffling and amazing mental miracles and has performed his brand of mentalism all over the world. His innovations and creations are many. In these videos he will perform and teach several of his masterpieces.

  • Tri-Coinetic: Three envelopes each contain a different coin. An audience member names what coin he thinks is in each sealed envelope. When the envelopes are opened the named coins are dumped out.
  • Visual Aid: A spectator holds a twenty-dollar bill while you read their mind and write...
★★★★★ $7
Larry Becker
Clearly Predictable by Larry Becker

This is one of the slickest and cleanest prediction effects I know.

A spectator gets a sealed envelope to keep, circles one classified ad in a newspaper, and removes a bill from her wallet and signs it with her initials. Another spectator completely fairly selects a card from a spectator shuffled pack. Despite all of these fair and clean selections the mentalist has predicted all of them. The selected card is printed on the newspaper, and the prediction envelope holds the serial number of the bill and a copy of the classified which was freely selected by the spectator.

Some preparatory...

★★★★ $7
Larry Becker
It's About Time! by Larry Becker

The performer states that for thousands of years, devices have been invented and used to measure and keep track of time. The first time measuring obelisks and water clocks were introduced in Mesopotamia and Egypt as early as 2000 BC. Tonight, he continues, we're going to explore both time and its relation to man's ability to project images telepathically.

Removing a small packet of blank cards, the performer explains they will be used to focus on an hour and a timekeeping device that will be thought of by a member of the audience. A volunteer is randomly selected to assist in the demonstration....

★★★★★ $6
Larry Becker
T. C. Spectre by Larry Becker

The spectator removes one card from a full face-up deck and places it into an envelope. This happens while the mentalist turns his back so that he can't see which card the spectator chooses. The remaining deck is gathered and turned face-down by the spectator. The envelope is closed and shown from both sides to demonstrate that nothing can be seen through the envelope. Then the envelope is placed by the spectator inside another envelope.

The mentalist then reads the spectators mind to reveal the card that is inside the envelope. Larry has come up with a nice presentation. He doesn't simply...

Larry Becker
An Evening with Larry Becker by Larry Becker

Never before seen video! This is the only recording of Larry Becker's full evening show, beginning to end, for a lay audience. This is a performance only video, running more than an hour, shot in May 1990, and featuring the following effects:

  • Original Some Total
  • Flashback
  • Psychological Forces
  • Grismer Lock Routine
  • Linking Finger Rings
  • Becker Bank Nite
  • Original Casino Royale
  • Thought Reading
  • Russian Roulette
It is rare to see a top professional mentalist at the peak of his career work for a lay audience. Here you can study how Larry Becker handles and interacts with his audience,...
★★★★★ $19
Larry Becker
Russian Roulette by Larry Becker

Watch Larry Beckerʼs reputation making, edge-of-your-seat performance of this acknowledged classic, recording live at a real world, after-dinner performance.

Next, sit in on a private round table discussion covering a full explanation of this death defying presentation, including the uncut and unrehearsed crucial preshow interview and participant instruction.

Nothing is omitted. Every aspect from weapon selection to safety precautions is covered in complete detail. There is even a special selection of hilarious out-takes!

Even if you have no intention of performing this spine-tingling presentation,...

★★★★★ $69
Larry Becker
Stunners! Plus! Two Decades of Mental Magic by Larry Becker

Larry Becker's magnificent opus, Stunners! was first published in 1992. In 1993 at the Society of American Magicians annual convention in New Orleans, Larry Becker received the Milbourne Christopher Foundation Literary Award for this outstanding contribution to the art of Mentalism and Magic. The first hard bound edition sold out in 90 days at a retail cost of $235. So did the soft cover edition in 1996 at $100. Stunners! has become a collector's item bringing anywhere from $300 to $500 and more on eBay.

After ten years it was expanded so that you were able to delve into the many variations, improvements and...

★★★★★ $15
Larry Becker
Larry Becker's Magic Castle Lecture by Larry Becker

"Everyone should work the Castle for a week. Not for the money, but for the memories." - Larry Becker

Many years ago the first mentalism trick I purchased was "Psycho II" an incredibly clever method, so clean, so fair but what a deception. Larry in his own words in 1984:

At the Psychic Entertainers Association convention in St. Louis, I was requested to demonstrate my abilities for the TV media. The effect that I chose to perform was "Psycho II". Approximately 25 years ago, I released the grand-daddy of this remarkable ESP design miracle as just plain "Psycho". It proved to be an award...

★★★★★ $15
Larry Becker
Mentalism for Magicians by Larry Becker

More wonderful and baffling routines by the creative mind of Larry Becker.

1st edition 1981; original 66 pages; PDF 52 pages.

  1. Monte Inferno
  2. Ultimate Matrix
  3. Flip-Flop Flush
  4. Bucking The Odds
  5. The Stress Test & The Black Spot
  6. King's Row
  7. Heads Or Tails
  8. Money Monte
  9. The Little Black Book
  10. Headliner
  11. Mind Blaster-Stage Version
  12. Edmund E.S.P. Tester
  13. Dynamation
  14. Impromptu Espitome
  15. The Conversion Principle
★★★★★ $29
Larry Becker
World of Super Mentalism II by Larry Becker

This is the second volume in Larry Becker's series of mentalism. More of the same outstanding mentalism.

In the epilogue of volume 1 Larry wrote that this might be his first and last book depending on the response he will receive. Well, the response was overwhelming and Larry answered with an even larger volume of astounding routines for mentalists. There is enough material for several full evening shows. And with a bit of thought you can use Larry's methods and principles to come up with your own unique miracles.

Here is volume one: World of Super Mentalism I.

1st edition 1979; edited and new layout in 2004; 151 pages....

★★★★★ $19
Larry Becker
World of Super Mentalism I by Larry Becker

This was Larry Becker's first book which is now available in a new layout and design as ebook. Anybody into mentalism knows the name Larry Becker who was one of the most creative forces during the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Unbelievable are his accomplishments and honors. He was winner of the "Mentalist of the Year Award", "PEA Achievement Award", "Milbourne Christopher Foundation Literary Award", "The Lederman Award", he was inducted into the "SAM Hall of Fame" and the list goes on.

Here are some of his best routines. Study them! Learn from them! This is the best of the best mentalism has to offer...

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