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Mission Impossible
by Gerard Zitta

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Mission Impossible by Gerard Zitta

Effect: A spectator looks at a card in a borrowed shuffled deck. You eliminate cards and the last card is their selection.

Key points:

  • 100% impromptu and improvised.
  • Any borrowed deck with any number of cards
  • Hands off
  • The cards are shuffled many times during the routine
  • No accomplice, no gimmick, no setup, no dual reality, no sleight of hands, no fishing, 100% surefire.
  • OK for stand-up, walk-around, parlor and why not stage.
  • You do not have to touch or see anything
  • You just need to know a couple of devious principles (some are new).
  • Baffling and cannot be reverse-engineered due to the use of different principles.
  • Can be repeated in hundreds of ways, differently every time once you have understood the principles in play.
  • Really easy, but you will need to practice a little bit in order to improvise.
  • Duration: Less than 2 minutes - or more if you want.
1st edition 2020, PDF 9 pages.
word count: 2700 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text