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Mr. Dice Stacking and Friends
by Mr. Dice Stacking

MP4 (video) | by download [503 MByte]  
Mr. Dice Stacking and Friends by Mr. Dice Stacking

Here you can watch and study the best moves of some of the best dice stackers in the world: Annika Wahl, Janine Krauskopf, Clemens Schlink, Thomas Fischbach, Jannick Zittlau, Donato Marro.

You will find anything from crazy point landings, juggling, cross overs, backhands, super fast stacking, downstacks, downstairs, and much more - mind blowing dexterity and control. But with practice you can learn these and other moves, too. Keep in mind that this is not really a teaching video where moves are broken down for you to learn. You will see the pros do the moves for real and you can certainly learn from these videos, but they are demonstrations and performances rather than step by step teaching videos.

[Please note that this is a large download (more than 500MBytes).]

If you are not yet at the level to work on these sophisticated moves, then check out the tutorial video to get started with dice stacking: Learn the Basics. Or if you rather read than watch a video you might want to take a look at Dice Stacking Teach-In by Lewis Ganson.

This product is listed under the following topics:


Magic & Mentalism / Video clips (download)

Magic & Mentalism / Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups / Dice Stacking

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video