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Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups in Magic & Mentalism

Who does not know the famous egg bag trick which Malini performed to perfection or the classic Cups and Balls which are performed by magicians for hundreds of yeas? Manipulation with billiard balls is part of many of the best stage manipulation acts. You will also find in this category tricks with balls of the softer variety - sponge balls.

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Cups and Balls Billiard Ball Manipulation Sponge Balls Chop Cup Three Shell Game Dice Stacking


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Senor Mardo
The Cups and Balls by Senor Mardo

Senor Mardo brings you a complete analysis of the manipulation, routining, and presentation of that magical classic, The Cups and Balls. Seven beautiful routines devoted to classic close-up and night club magic effects.

We've wanted to offer this hard-to-find title for years and are now able to do so... and at a price that won't break the bank (originally sold for the equivalent of $35.00 in today's money when first released).

Four complete routines are presented in this book, with more than 30 illustrations:

  • One cup routine
  • Two cup routine
  • Three cup routine
  • Mardo's "Impromptu...
Gerald Edmundson
Wisdom of the Cups and Balls by Gerald Edmundson

"I wish this had been available 70 years ago. It would have saved me a lot of unnecessary side trips on my journey to performing the cups and balls. Everyone who performs the cups and balls or intends to perform the cups and balls needs to read and understand the material in this book ... the lessons learned in performing the "world's oldest deception" will transfer to everything else the performer does. The book reflects the knowledge gained from decades of performing in front of live audiences. Excellent work! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with the rest of us." - Bill Palmer

Geoffrey Buckingham
It's Easier Than You Think by Geoffrey Buckingham

This is a digital edition of the first edition of this book. It has wonderful photos. The later edition in three volumes published by Magic Inc. replaced the photos with line drawings. The book captures Buckingham's manipulation moves and routines for billiard balls, coins, and thimbles. It has practical advice from a successful pro and is perhaps the finest book on this subject ever published.

Here is the text from the inside flaps of the first edition:

When did you first become interested in Magic? Almost every magician is asked this question at one time or another, and the reply is usually,...

★★★★★ $8
James Swoger
Enchanted Ball Manipulation by James Swoger

All sleights - no gimmicks. A brilliant book of magic with billiard balls.

There's something to be said for manipulative magic, for there is nothing to hide once the routine is finished. The various moves, effects and routines can be interspersed with the regular multiplying billiard balls effect to create a blended act that leaves your audience breathless. And what performer worth his or her salt doesn't strive for that?

Partial contents:

  • Hat and Ball Routine
  • Stealing a Billiard Ball from the Pocket
  • Billiard Ball Vanish and Recovery
  • Vanishing a Ball into the Coat Pocket
  • Ball Vanish...
★★★★★ $7
Ray Grismer
Spongey by Ray Grismer

Six quick effects. Only two sponges are needed.

This routine can be performed with any type of sponge ball of reasonable size. In an emergency, you may even use two crumpled bills.

This is a strong routine and the final climax in the spectator's hand is the high point. Practice each section and then combine them into a smooth routine. Many of the moves are standard and you may already know them. It's one thing to know moves. It's another to routine them.

Routines with sponge balls have an undeniable audience appeal. The Ray Grismer routine is one designed with the table-hopping performer...

★★★★★ $2.99
Dr. John D. Bain
Multiplying Golf Balls by Dr. John D. Bain

You will not only learn the classic multiplying ball effect but also how to make the necessary props yourself, and in particular how to make the most important half-shell yourself.

The perfection of the effect does require skill, but the ardent practitioner will achieve success without great difficulty.

Excerpt from the Introduction:

My favorite magic trick involving the use of balls has always been the Multiplying Ball Trick. Here is a tutorial book that will show you how to secure the materials that are needed to make props for the trick and then how to perform the effect. I have...

★★★ $10
Sultan Orazaly
Cap and Ball by Sultan Orazaly

Transform a cap from a Sharpie pen into a sponge ball and back. The gimmick is easy to make, the rest are basic sleight-of-hand maneuvres.

1st edition 2023, video 9:30

★★★★★ $20
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Paper Balls Over the Head by D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini's Paper Balls Over the Head routine is one of the most entertaining routines magic has to offer. The audience is in stitches because they are in on the trick. The only person not knowing what is going on is the volunteer on the stage. He or she is totally amazed and baffled by the magic happening. Paper balls as big as a fist vanish into thin air right in front of their eyes.

Now you can learn this blockbuster of a routine from a long-time student of Slydini.

1st edition 2023, video 35 min.

★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
Bammo Cychops by Bob Farmer

When Teller saw this he said: "A work of mad genius."

Here at the Mad Genius Institute (MGI) we spend our days chasing the elusive butterfly of love and when we realize it's just another of the many delusions that sent us here in the first place, we get back to our real work: creating mind-bending magic so far outside the box it's a long-distance call to reality.

What happens when you decide to use not one or two Chop Cups but three? Three Chop Cups and three magnetic balls: you can't get farther from the mundane than that.

  • Phase 1: Ball vanishes and appears in a Crown Royal bag. ...
★★★★ $20
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Paper Balls in Box by D. Angelo Ferri

Another beautiful classic of Tony Slydini is explained and taught in detail by Dennis Barlotta. Four paper balls vanish and in the end, miraculously appear in a box or hat shown empty. Slydini performed this routine since about 1915. The paper balls he rolled from napkins or tissue paper were the 'sponge' balls at the time sponge balls did not exist.

You will learn the proper way to make a paper ball from a paper napkin such that the ball will not unravel during the performance.

You will learn concepts such as 'the body takes the hand', 'leave and take', 'reach the take', 'coordinated movements',...

★★★★★ $10
Mark Leveridge
The Tube of Wonder by Mark Leveridge

This is a disarmingly simple yet baffling effect suitable for a close-up or parlor show. A simple cardboard tube is placed on the table and lifted to reveal that inside it is an inverted wine glass with a large red ball on top of it. The tube is freely displayed and can be examined by a spectator. The performer's hands are otherwise empty.

The tube is placed on the table and the inverted wine glass is dropped down inside. Finally, the ball is dropped into the tube so that it rests again on the base of the glass. A snap of the fingers and the tube is immediately lifted off again to reveal...

Adelaide Herrmann
The Art of Palming by Adelaide Herrmann

In this article Adelaide Herrmann provides some tips on how to palm a coin and billiard balls. There are several photos showing her palming and producing billiard balls. I don't think anybody could really learn from this short article, but Adelaide Herrmann was a formidable manipulator and conjurer in general and the tips she provides are spot on.

1st edition November 1905 in Broadway Magazine Vol. XIII. PDF 7 pages.

★★★★★ $8
Sam Dalal
Indian Cups and Balls Primer by Sam Dalal

Like the Billiard Balls, and Linking Rings the Indian Cups and Balls have become a classic of Magic. The apparatus is "designed" exclusively for Magic... (like the Linking rings), one does not come across such things in everyday life. While this may not find favour with many performers, whose idea of magic is to perform miracles with "everyday" objects,...their very design makes possible miracles of a type not possible with many other objects. For unlike Silk Cabbies, and Ghost Tubes, there is nothing fake about the apparatus itself...but their shape and construction make possible a surprising...

Eddie Joseph
Hindu Gaming Shells by Eddie Joseph

This was originally distributed with a couple of gaming shells from India. This ebook does not include any such shells, just the instructions.

Gaming shells are used as a kind of die substitute. Due to their shape, they can land one of two ways. Typically several such shells are cast and then all the ones landing in the same orientation are counted. Several tricks using these shells are explained.

  • The Sure One in Four
  • The Silent Call
  • Mystic Twenty
  • The Coin and the Shell
  • Hypnotising a Matchbox
  • Burning Water
  • The Strange Live Spirit
  • Disproving a Theory
  • Psycho Crime Detection
  • Transmutation ...
★★★★★ $8
Don Alan
Don Alan's Bowl Routine by Don Alan

Just as Don presented it on TV. The move is so good you'll fool yourself. This trick had a lot to do with Don Alan's success on TV and in countless personal appearances. In fact, the very first time Don had a chance to do a trick for anyone connected with TV - in this case the director of a new show - he performed this effect. He was hired at once and began his long and sensational career. It's that good.

This beautiful routine uses a brass bowl (not supplied), or a single cup from your regular Cups and Balls set. The cup is not gimmicked in any way. Also needed are four sponges, which...

★★★★★ $10
Frank Garcia
Frank Garcia's Sponge Balls by Frank Garcia

The sponge ball routine, in the hands of a capable performer, is one of the most astounding feats one can do, as the magic happens in the hands of a spectator. Garcia's routines are among the best of the best. Illustrated by Harvan with 17 drawings to show you how to master the routines and moves.

The booklet includes The First Routine, Lesson in Misdirection with the Magic Count, Garcia's Krazee Sponges, Perfect Sponge Vanish, Basic Routine for Beginners, Color Change Routine, Square and Cube Routine, plus suggestions by a working pro.

Here's your chance to add new moves, ideas and...

★★★★★ $14
Mark Leveridge
Commercial Sponge Ball Routine by Mark Leveridge

This is the exact routine as used by Mark Leveridge in his commercial close-up work and also to open all his children's shows. No new concepts, no 'flashy' moves, just a thoroughly professional and entertaining routine that has proved its value over countless performances.

There are few more popular routines with lay people than the sponge balls, and Mark Leveridge's fast-paced sequence will provide you with a practical version that you will quickly learn and use.

1st edition 1984, PDF 11 pages.

Multiplying Balls Tutor by Someeran

The Multiplying Balls is a favorite trick all over the world. Though a very old trick, it is popular because magicians are regularly adding their own presentation and moves to it, to make it something new and different. The basic effect is that one ball held between the magician's fingers multiplies to two, then three and finally four balls.

No balls are included with the ebooks. Any well-stocked magic shop will be able to supply you with the necessary balls and gimmicks.

  • Multiplying Balls
    • The Basic Multiplying Move
  • Palming
    • The Regular Palm
    • The Finger Palm
  • Productions ...
★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Albert's Spongeballs by Brick Tilley

When you think of Albert Goshman what usually comes to mind is his coins under the saltshakers. Unfortunately, this, like Rene Lavand's crumb trick, takes a lifetime of devotion to master. But Albert left us something else, his revolutionary take on the sponge balls. This startling effect is within the skill range of every serious student of magic. If you already perform this in some form, you can add his version in minutes, after acquiring a few easily obtained supplies. You may already have them among your props.

Also included is a suggestion for an astounding opening effect to add to your sponge ball...

★★★★★ $39.50
Camille Gaultier
Magic Without Apparatus by Camille Gaultier

A sleight-of-hand reference work for cards, coins, billiard balls, and thimbles.

Magic without Apparatus is the first English translation of La Prestidigitation sans Appareils, which has been recognized by authorities on magic as the world's greatest treatise on legerdemain with cards, coins, billiard balls, and thimbles. The French edition elicited such comments as these:

Leo Rullman (Connoisseur of magical literature): "The greatest work on pure sleight-of-hand in any language."

Professor Hoffmann (Author of Modern Magic, More Magic, Later Magic): "A contribution of the first rank to the literature...

Cups and Balls (Western) Magic Tutor by Someeran

This manuscript explains two routines, one which does not require any sleight-of-hand, and a second one that requires some basic moves such as a vanish, false and secret loading.

1st edition 1993, 14 pages; PDF 11 pages.

★★★★ $5
Chop Cup Combo Outfit Tutor by Someeran

This manuscript explains basic routines and moves for the chop cup, with additional moves and routines by Goutam Guha and Mahadevananda.

1st edition 1993, 20 pages; PDF 17 pages.

★★★★★ $8
Roy Eidem
Roy's Rattle Ruse by Roy Eidem

Do you perform the Three Shell game/con? Have you thought about doing the Three Shell game? If so, this is a must, decades-held, secret underground move for you. This ruse adds an auditory convincer to the otherwise purely visual con. Easily executed; stunningly entertaining and deceptive. This is a move you will use.

Here are the reactions of well-known Shell Game workers with whom it was recently shared.

"Very Clever." - Pop Haydn

"An amazing idea I love it." - Terry Ward

"Brilliant!" - Michael Stehle

1st edition 2022, PDF 1 page, video 3:02.

Val Andrews
The Tumbling Tumblers by Val Andrews

From the introduction:

Like all really good tricks the "Tumbling Tumblers" secret was discovered by me when experimenting with another quite different effect. I was handling certain materials at the time, then suddenly everything fell into place, and I knew at once that I had hit on something good! A week later I performed at the I.B.M. Convention at Hastings. I stuck my neck out right at the start by telling them that I was about to present an entirely new trick of my own invention. When they saw me make the first moves, they thought that I was trying to "put one over" by presenting an...

★★★★★ $12
Ken Muller
Fistfull of Stones: Found & F.U.N. Series by Ken Muller

This is the third eBook in the series and a companion to Single Stone, and Pair fo Stones with completely different effects and additional sleights/moves plus special stratagems to take advantage of the unique qualities of "3-4 objects."

Learn how to use three objects like walnuts or candy to perform astounding and entertaining illusions of transportations, penetrations and transpositions and productions. There is a large focus on assembly effect

A blending of sway methods, innovative sleights, insightful stratagems and the elements of performance using 'found' objects in a true impromptu setting. (Many techniques...

Clarke Crandall
How To Stack Dice by Clarke Crandall

A revised and enlarged version of his previous work on this subject. Four dice are tossed on the table, a dice cup put over the first one, and with quick movements, the dice cup is slid over each of the others in turn. Then the cup is lifted, and all four dice are stacked one on top of the other. It is a beautiful close-up trick, easy to learn with the help of this ebook. Many illustrations and dotted here and there with typical Crandall funnies.

1st edition 1974, 18 pages; PDF 25 page.

★★★★ $10
KC Card Co
How To Control Fair Dice by KC Card Co

Here's the highly sought-after inside scoop on manipulating fair dice to come up with a desired point total. The same confidential information as sold by crooked gambling supply houses in the early to mid-1900s. Advertised as the most complete work of its kind ever published, it contains the real work for magicians, gambling lecturers, casino training, and law enforcement. Each shot is fully described and, where necessary, line drawings help explain the moves.

The combined effort of several players, this volume was originally sold for the equivalent of $50.00 in order to keep it out of...

★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Aether #9: Sponge Balls to Box by Gregg Webb

Gregg Webb presents ideas using sponge balls and a folding box based on Slydini's "Paper Balls to Hat." The trick uses sponge balls and a folding cardboard box. Here, you will learn:

  • How to vanish several sponge balls one at a time
  • Cause the sponge balls to reappear from a small cardboard box

1st edition 2021, PDF 2 pages with illustrations by Gregg Webb.

★★★★★ $12
Ken Muller
Pair of Stones: Found & F.U.N. Series by Ken Muller

This is the second eBook in the series and a companion to Single Stone, with completely different effects and additional sleights/moves plus special stratagems to take advantage of the unique qualities of "exactly two."

Learn how to use two objects like walnuts or candy to perform astounding and entertaining illusions of transportations, penetrations, color-changes, productions, and vanishes.

A blending of sway methods, innovative sleights, insightful stratagems, and the elements of performance using 'found' objects in a true impromptu setting. (Many techniques can be used in other venues/settings.) ...

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