carry it in your wallet ... fill a stage
The following effect by Jack Yates was originally published in 1980, by Supreme Magic under the title of "Accusation." The original version is still available from Magic Inc. Dave Arch has simplified the handling, strengthened the mnemonic aids, and consequently dispensed with an
additional key card originally needed to guide the mentalist.
EFFECT: After asking the group how many have ever attended a Mystery Party, the mentalist suggests, "For anyone who has never been to one, let's have one right here! You know how it is. When people come to the party, each is given a card with a character's name on it and some information about that character. Tonight, we'll pick the accused, and together we'll try to guess both their crime(s) and their true identity."
The accused selects an identity from a list of possible names and the crimes from four other cards. Witnesses are called to testify; and, through a series of questions, the mentalist accurately ascertains both the identity of the accused as well as the crimes of which that person is guilty! And that's why the mentalist is never invited to Mystery Parties!
1st edition 2013, 3 pages.
word count: 1112 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text