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Ned's Ultimate Poker Stack
by Robert Nedbalski

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Ned's Ultimate Poker Stack by Robert Nedbalski

An incredible stack that was worked out by hand at a time when computers were not available. The experts were impressed:

"In actual play, that would get the money." - Dai Vernon

"... the best stack since Rusduck's. - Ross Bertram

"... interesting and has possibilities at the gaming table." - Faucett Ross

"... Ned, you've come across a real gem, don't tip it." - Orville Meyer

"Vernon should see this." - Francis Carlyle


The spectator takes a shuffled deck. The spectator makes a choice of the type of poker to be played:

  • Straight Poker
  • Stud Poker ( 5 – 6 – or 7 card)
  • Blackjack
  • Draw Poker
The spectator chooses the number of hands in the game (2 – 3 – 4 – or 5 hands). The spectator deals the cards. The spectator turns up the Magician's hand, (the magician never touches the cards) and the magician always wins!

1st edition 1978; PDF 24 pages.
word count: 5775 which is equivalent to 23 standard pages of text