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Negative Arm
by Dale A. Hildebrandt


(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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Negative Arm by Dale A. Hildebrandt
  • Impromptu
  • No reset to worry about
  • Can be repeated over and over with different people in the same venue
  • 75% to 80% success rate
  • An "out" that is just as spectacular for when this doesn't hit
  • Let's see yer palm ... yet another out
  • Both serious and funny presentations
  • Not another card or coin trick
  • Plus a bonus effect: break/knife: my switchless bill change (only taught in the PDF)
The amazement comes when the lady or gentlman you have just done the secret ritual to cannot then reach the doorframe. Their arm literally shrinks. The arm can no longer reach the doorframe; the doorframe they easily touched just seconds before! Then after another secret ritual their arm RE-GROWS! They can now reach the doorway. This is a shrinking arm and re-growing arm. Lay people have no clue how or why it is possible. Imagine being in control of the length of someone's arm. ALMOST ANYONE'S ARM can be used. There is a 75% to 80% hit rate. Certain conditions, discussed in the PDF, will prevent the effect from happening. How to get out of those situations is also covered.

This is a feat of body magic that lay people find absolutely astonishing. You shrink their arm. Then you can re-grow their arm. You are literally controlling the length of their arm.

1st edition 2015, 4 pages plus video.
word count: 1606 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text