No Adult Supervision is an updated compilation of Geoff's first two sets of lecture notes: The Lecture Your Mother Never Gave You and The Lecture Your Father Never Gave You.
Updated with lots of new text and illustrations, this ebook is filled with outstanding tricks, illusions, sleights and advice. Just a few of the highlights include:
THE "I HATE DAVID COPPERFIELD" TRICK: Based on "Close-Up Illusion" by Larry Jennings, a card visibly melts through another. The visuals here go way beyond the original.
JUST A BIT MORE ULTIMATE THAN JOHN MENDOZA'S "ULTIMATE TORN & RESTORED CARD": You're clean at the first and clean at the end. As a bonus, it's super easy to do even though the card is signed on both sides!
MIRACLE COIN VANISH: This gets gasps from spectators. Looks like real magic.
DEVASTATION: This might just be the best impromptu card trick on the planet. Tom Daugherty's totally impossible card location that'll devastate your audience. Note: there's not one sleight in the entire trick! Worth the price of this ebook many times over.
READY 2 LINK: A technique that makes the get-ready for Dan Harlan's Impromptu Linking Rubberbands super easy and totally invisible.
SHUFFLING STYLES FROM AROUND THE WORLD: A card is located after a series of shuffling demonstrations. Includes a teach=in on the marvelous "Sybil" flourish cut (thanks to Chris Kenner) which is taught with a 5-card packet for ease of learning.
3CP: A wonderfully visual 3-coin production that is nowhere near as hard as it looks.
4-WAY COINCIDENCE: A reworking of a stunning prediction routine by John Murray from "Card Cavalcade 3." Uses a borrowed, thoroughly-shuffled deck. There's only one real "move" (which is laughably simple).
TWO OPENERS: A bottle production for stage or parlour (or even close-up).
CARD IN POCKET: Al Koran's classic made even easier. Card palming made fun.
And LOTS, LOTS MORE! 135 pages, 44 amazing tricks and sleights, 176 illustrations.
"I would like to say that I am a voracious reader of magic literature, reading hundreds of titles each year, and have found more usable material in your lecture notes than in any single source in recent memory." - Christopher K.
"Got the set of notes in the mail yesterday. WOW! I've been in magic for many years and rarely do I get excited about a lecture, but MAN, these notes are GREAT!" - Tommy J.
2nd edition 2016, 135 pages.
word count: 38005 which is equivalent to 152 standard pages of text