A simple and direct memory demonstration.
The professional-looking chart (meant to be on your phone but could be printed out) is handed to the subject in order to help test your memory ability with numbers. You mention that attempting to memorize the 51 seven-digit numbers, enhances your ability to ask questions, find insights, solve problems, critically think, and inspire creativity.
You hand them your phone with the chart, or a copy of the chart, and the subject chooses a section, say No. 45, and you begin calling out the 7-digit number in that section. Feel free to repeat the test by having the subject call out a couple of other sections. You may choose to slightly miss a number for more believability. Your call.
For the mentalist and magician, this is just another opportunity to showcase your mental prowess. Fun. Casual. Quick.
1st edition 2023, PDF 1 page.
word count: 187 which is equivalent to 0 standard pages of text