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Oiled and Watered: A Mystery in Ten Movements
by Jon Racherbaumer


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Oiled and Watered: A Mystery in Ten Movements by Jon Racherbaumer

There is something incurably viral about this curious card problem. Does anyone know? What's so irresistible about displacing, displaying, counting, spreading, mixing, re-mixing, un-mixing red and black cards? What's the allure? What's the incentive? Yet, despite all cease-and-desist entreaties, methods keep popping up, including the ones in this compact manuscript.

The Ten Phase routine described in this ebook combines ideas and handlings by Hideo Kato, Dave Solomon, and Edward Marlo. You can figuratively use the Oil and Water patter theme, referring to red cards as "water" and black cards as "oil," but some prefer to simply use the Color Separation theme. This is the approach taken in the routine about to be described. It also begins with a full, mixed deck and takes two different sets of principal cards from it rather than starting with a packet, which is taken out of a special wallet. This has proven to make a difference.

  • Introduction
  • The Routine in ten phases
  • The Godfather Of Oil And Water
  • A Brief History
  • Originators And Ancestral Ties
  • First Blood…
  • Reply To A Fading Fulvian Obloquy
  • Letter To Bruce Elliott

1st edition 2014, 34 pages.
word count: 7654 which is equivalent to 30 standard pages of text