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Parade of the Kings Revisited
by Mark Leveridge

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Parade of the Kings Revisited by Mark Leveridge

This is a revised version of the classic Parade Of The Kings packet trick from the 1970s.

Four blue-backed cards are counted face down and the performer explains that these are the four Kings. Two spectators between them decide on one of the Kings. Immediately the magician spreads the cards to reveal the chosen King has now magically turned face up.

But there is a further surprise when the back of this King is shown to have also now changed to red.

Then there is a final kicker when the other three face-down Kings are turned face up to reveal they are in fact three blank-faced cards and so were never there in the first place!

The full face of the selected King can be openly shown. The handling is casual and innocent-looking. Only one packet of cards is used.

video 10:57

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Magic & Conjuring / Cards

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