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The Complete Magic Party
by Mark Leveridge


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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The Complete Magic Party by Mark Leveridge

Mark Leveridge's two classic works on entertaining children have been combined and totally updated in one ebook! It comes with over 70 color photo illustrations, 10 warm-up routines, over 40 games for all ages, and 20 magic routines.

The Complete Magic Party is a highly detailed ebook dealing with many aspects of entertaining children with games and magic. Based on Mark's previous best selling tomes The Magic Party Volumes 1 and 2, this new work provides children's entertainers with a huge amount of information based on his 30+ years experience of providing lively, marketable parties for youngsters.

The ebook is divided into sections:

Advice Sections. There are major chapters of professional advice on understanding the modern child, on how to exercise control over your young charges, on how to organize yourself in terms of taking bookings and providing good backup paperwork, on advertising, plus a whole range of other aspects of being a paid children's performer.

Games Section. Mark gives a thorough overview of how to present games in a fun and commercial way with all the main principles of running games being covered. Providing games at a party enables you to provide more at your bookings and thus achieve higher fees when you work. There are also over 40 games and activities detailed which cover all ages up to about 10. There are even four pre-show activities described to help smooth the way to a calm start to the party.

Warm Up Section. Preparing your audience well at the very outset of your show helps them to enjoy what you do to the full, and this section talks about how to get your young audience into the right frame of mind at the start of your performance and why it is so important. Mark also details 10 warm ups that he has used in his own shows, two of which are published for the first time.

Magic Section. His approach to magic for children has always been to minimize the props and maximize the entertainment. Mark's magic is often based on tricks more usually presented to adults but to which a presentation suitable for children has been added. There are 20 magic routines described and these are not just presentations for dealer type effects which you will need to purchase before you can proceed, but instead use props that you will either have or can easily get hold of.

The Complete Magic Party is a nicely produced ebook which is packed full of information which will help both experienced and novice children's entertainers to get the most out of their paid work at children's parties. Everything in the ebook has been revised and updated and a large amount of it has been totally re-written to ensure that you get the very latest information.

1st edition 2007; 192 pages.
word count: 102544 which is equivalent to 410 standard pages of text

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