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Paul Gertner

Paul Gertner

(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 1953 - )

Stage name of Paul Joseph Gaertner. Learned at age 16 from library book and then lessons from Ron Slanina. Pro close-up since 1975, specializing in trade shows at which he is widely rated among world's top six, earning (in 1996) reportedly up to $2,500 per day. Taught Gary Michaels in 1975.

Invented Reverse Matrix in 1979. 1978 Tokyo 2nd prize. 1983 Desert Magic Seminar 1st prize. 1985 FISM 1st prize in close-up. 1996 AMA Close-up Magician of the Year.

Authored two sets of lecture notes (1978, 1987) and Forcing a Card in the Classical Manner (1980).

See Richard Kaufman, Paul Gertner's Steel and Silver (1994, 200+pp). Articles in MUM, Linking Ring, and Arcane, plus Japanese, French, and Italian journals. TV bits in USA, Japan, and Britain, including three times on the Carson show.

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Paul Gertner
Photocopy by Paul Gertner

A demonstration of "Invisible Palming" leads to a selection magically traveling into a wallet the spectator is holding. As a kicker, the selection is actually inside a folded photocopy of a hand with the selection printed on it. Commercial magic at its best.

Despite the strong effect this is relatively easy to intermediate level difficulty.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 2001.

runtime: 16min 39s