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by Wesley James


(3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Pedesis by Wesley James

A Treatise on the E.G. Brown 12-card Thought-of card Transportation

"One of the Strongest card effects you can ever perform."

"You can expect to hear audible gasps."

"...the roomful...sat speechless."

Wesley James rarely releases all his work on one plot in a single monograph. His writings typically address multiple effects and routines, and discussion of diverse subjects. Like Out of Sight Discernment, Pedesis is an exception. It is an effect Wesley has been performing for nearly fifty years, always to stunned reactions from many hundreds of audiences.

"A card at a purely thought-of position vanishes from its isolated packet to appear at the same position in the performer's packet."

Now, you too will be able to stun your audiences. Wesley has given the magic community all the information they could need, right down to his script. He teaches every technique with the incredible attention to detail for which he is renowned. As one reviewer stated about his The Complete Mojo, "...A Ph.D. course in magic."

Yes, you'll need to practice and rehearse, but the techniques are not notably difficult, and you can be assured that you too can earn the astonished, dumbfounded reaction Wesley has reliably achieved for years.

A former leader of one of magic's largest organizations was overheard to say, "I've never seen it before, the roomful at FFFF sat speechless after his performance. Wesley left us clueless as to how he could perform the effect as cleanly as he did. I didn't see a single move."

Wesley has included five versions of this venerable plot, each designed for optimal reaction in different situations: Close-up, Walk-around, Stand-up, Table-top, Surrounded; all with essentially the same audience-tested script, each with every detail on the sleights you might require; including eight new, refined or improved sleights.

All this information and more is packed into 45 pages, offered for a limited time at a bargain price. $20 till October 1st, then the price becomes $30. Get your copy before the price increase.

1st edition 2017, 45 pages.
word count: 20012 which is equivalent to 80 standard pages of text