Percy Press died in 1980 at the age of 78. He was probably the last of the English Street Conjurors and learned his craft working the streets of England. He was also a distinguished Punch and Judy performer. In this recording, Percy Press talks about the effects that he performed on the street and gives details of his routines for his Cups and Balls, his Funny Funnel, the Cap and Pence, a card trick using a card box, and his entertaining Coat, Ropes and Rings.
One of Percy's most baffling effects was his production of a full glass of water and, on this recording, he gives the complete routine so that anyone can learn to perform it exactly as he did. Anyone who wants to earn their living by working the streets with magic could learn a full act from just listening to his recording. Percy Press was a clever and highly knowledgeable entertainer who worked his street act thousands of times.
Just after this recording was made Percy Press died and a documentary film based on his life was shown on BBC TV. The film used this recording as its soundtrack.
This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by
1st edition 1980, runtime 70 minutes.