$20(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★
Make money in reading a person's drawing.
There are many methods known as projective techniques. A wide range of materials can be used to stimulate projective responses. The five main types of response are: Associations to words or ink spots, Construction of stories, Arranging or choosing visual or verbal alternatives, and expression through drawings.
Peter Stammers explains in this ebook how you can perform a reading using a drawing. It is a simplified version of the "House Tree Person" analysis method and is not a system for "any" drawing. This is a unique and scientifically based method. This method reveals the past and helps to predict the future. Use it stand alone or in combination with other cold reading techniques.
[This manuscript has seen a very small circulation in printed form. Now for the first time available as ebook.]
1st edition 2000; 46 pages.
word count: 5532 which is equivalent to 22 standard pages of text