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Planging Chaces
by John Holt


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Planging Chaces by John Holt

An ebook of card transpositions featuring the following routines:

Two Card Transpo Jnr – Building from an idea John put in The First Eleven, two cards swap places between the deck and you pocket. Then they transpose again!

One Fech Of A Surprise – Based on an Eddie Fechter effect, two selections are made, with one being placed in your pocket. The second selection is found, which changes into the first selection. The card is brought from the pocket to reveal….it's changed back to the first selection again!

You And I – a transposition trick using only two cards (yes ONLY TWO CARDS – no extra cards or deck needed). Two cards are passed to the magician, and signed if you will. Yet they still transpose under these impossible conditions.

A Bold Change – Two cards change places despite one being left face up on a tabled deck.

Changing Of The Cuards – Think Dr Daleys Last Trick with the surprise revelation of a selected card! Also includes an extra handling by Shaun McCree.

Snappy transposition – a visual card transposition, where the spectators card visually changes into another before the spectator herself manages to find her own card. Also includes a kicker handling where the cards swap places again.

Merlin-esque – a short routine where a face up card on top is the deck switches places with another.

A Dream Transposition – a red backed card is shown in your wallet, say 7C. You put it back and have a card selected from a blue deck and signed (say AS). The signed card visually changes into a 7C. When the red backed card in the wallet is shown, it's the signed AS. This routine does NOT use a card-to-wallet wallet.
word count: 5894 which is equivalent to 23 standard pages of text