John Holt
Unlike most magicians, John's interest in magic didn't start with a kids magic set; it started when, while working as a casino croupier, a poker player showed him what he now knows as a push through shuffle. John was blown away and has been fascinated with card tricks and moves ever since.
He lives in Cheshire in the UK, where he has started the perilous journey into street performing; surely one of magic's most demanding challenges. John describes performing on the street as the 'scariest' venue he's ever worked (though he hasn't done a kids party yet!).
A few years ago, John had an effect published in Peter Duffie's Mind blasters ebook. From then, he has set his mind to creating his own effects and ebooks of ideas; mostly card magic and mentalism. John's idea's have received praise from magicians such as Patrick Redford, Richard Osterlind and Gregory Wilson - and there's still more to come.
John's specialises in performing close up card magic. He enjoys watching performers such as Tom Mullica and Gazzo and he dislikes red wine and culling more than one card.