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Pocket Power
by Jarle Leirpoll


(22 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Pocket Power by Jarle Leirpoll

Jarle Leirpoll is one of Norway's leading Stand-Up and Close-Up performers. He received the Norwegian magician of the year award in 1998. You will find effective and deceptive ways to switch, ditch and steal - using only the normal pockets and occasionally a Topit. Several original routines and lots of techniques and ideas are explained in detail, including more than one hundred illustrations. On top of that four video clips are embedded in the ebook which show 5 effects. The chapter about Choreographic Misdirection has been significantly increased over the paper version of this book from 1995.

My favorite is his bill switch without any gimmick. This is the kind of professional thinking one rarely finds - eliminate the unnecessary leaving the effect as strong as before. Very clean! I am going to practice this myself.

1st edition, 1995, Jarle Leirpoll, ISBN 82-993648-0-9
1st electronic edition in HTML, 2001,
2nd electronic edition in PDF, 2006,; 70 pages.

  1. Dedication
  2. Foreword
  3. Introduction
  4. Toilet Paper To Egg
    1. The bold switch (fig. 1)
    2. The Tamariz switch (fig. 2)
  5. Coke From Shoe
    1. Stealing the Coke
    2. Loading the Coke into the shoe
  6. Palming Cards
    1. The Bottom Palm
    2. Cover for the Bottom Palm
    3. The One-Handed Top Palm
    4. Cover for the One-Handed Top Palm
    5. The "Pull Up the Sleeves" Bottom Palm
  7. Norwegian Travellers
    1. Controlling the cards to the top
    2. The Hofzinser Spread Control
    3. The Topit Drop
    4. The Empty Hand
    5. The last card
    6. Alternative ending
    7. Killing time
    8. Gags as misdirection
    9. If at first you don't succeed
  8. Card In Shoe
    1. Folding the card
    2. Creating the illusion
    3. Cleaning up
  9. No Gimmick Bill Change
    1. Displaying the bill
    2. Folding the bill
    3. Displaying the new bill
    4. Cleaning up
  10. The Perfect Out
    1. The Card to Pocket Move
  11. Stealing
    1. From the side pocket
    2. From the side pocket, another method
    3. From the waistband
    4. The "simplest" steal of them all
    5. Scooping
    6. The Thumb Clip
    7. Straightening the jacket
  12. The Almost Ultimate Newspaper Trick
    1. Preparation
    2. Performance
    3. Tearing the paper
    4. The restoration
    5. Cleaning up
  13. Tips And Techniques
    1. Take out something else first
    2. Impromptu card holder
    3. Handkerchief
    4. The breast pocket
    5. Objects inside objects
    6. Deck switch
    7. Angle proofing
    8. Into the sleeves
    9. Post-It magic
    10. Velcro magic
    11. Sound FX convincer
    12. Magnets
    13. A tip on ditching
    14. The vanishing Gimmick
  14. Good Enough for TV
  15. Drama
    1. The Premise
    2. Kill your Darlings
    3. Forward Movement
    4. Pang, puff, puff, BANG!
    5. Eliminating Dead Time
    6. Parallel Action
    7. Energy
    8. The Dilemma of Magic
    9. The Art of Suggestion
    10. Play it Big
    11. Timing
    12. Aim at the Heart
  16. Choreographic Misdirection
    1. What is Choreographic Misdirection?
    2. Point of Interest
    3. Norwegian Travelers - the second card
    4. Eye Scan
    5. The Bottom Palm
    6. Naturalness
    7. Gags as Misdirection
    8. Establishing a norm
    9. Your own body language
    10. Conditioning for misdirection
    11. Don't forget the palming Hand
    12. The Off-Beat
    13. Speed attracts the eye
    14. Simultaneous Actions
    15. Misdirection on TV
    16. Practice Misdirection
    17. Final words
  17. Confidence
    1. Practice
    2. The brain learns how to be effective
    3. Bombing
    4. Hakuna Matata
    5. Wireless Microphones
    6. The Transmitter Pocket
    7. The Microphone Stand
    8. Applause
    9. You can't always be confident
  18. Video Evaluation
  19. Magic on TV
    1. Beyond the Ordinary
    2. It's a Battlefield
    3. Everyone wants it to be good
    4. Know the Language
    5. Everything can be Big on TV
    6. Be Prepared