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Practical Hypnotism - How to Hypnotize
by unknown

#1 Gambling author

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Practical Hypnotism - How to Hypnotize by unknown

Aside from some archaic word usage this ebook gives you all the fundamentals to perform hypnosis. No need to buy a high priced course. All the basics are here as well as hypnotism's historic background.

62 pages.

  1. Theories Regarding Hypnotism
  2. The Braid Method of Hypnotism
  3. Dr. Liebault's Method of Hypnotism
  4. Fascination Method of Hypnotism
  5. The Suggestive Method Of Hypnotism
  6. Hypnotism In Diseases
  7. Uses Of Hypnotism
  8. Illusions And Hallucinations
  9. Auto Suggestion
  10. Hypnotic Suggestion
  11. Telepathic Suggestion
  12. Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
  13. The Dangers Of Hypnotism
  14. Hypnotism For Scientific Practice
  15. How To Make A Subject Fall Backward Or Forward
  16. How To Clasp The Hands Together
  17. How To Cause A Subject To Forget His Name
  18. How To Make The Leg Stiff
  19. Flowers Method For Hypnotizing
  20. Hypnotizing Instantaneously
  21. How To Awaken A Subject
  22. Hypnotizing Animals, Etc.
  23. How To Hypnotize A Pigeon
  24. How To Hypnotize A Game Cock
  25. How To Hypnotize A Canary Or Other Caged Birds
  26. How To Hypnotize Dogs, Cars Or Rabbits
  27. Conclusion

word count: 31660 which is equivalent to 126 standard pages of text