There are innumerable zodiac sign divination methods out there. So then, why one more? Because, the more tools you have in your toolbox, the more prepared and ready you will be for any type of work situation. Propless SignTist, as the name suggests is a completely propless and 100% surefire method. The process is simple, short, justified, and flows smoothly. You can nail the zodiac sign of a stranger, comfortably and effectively, in less than a minute. You can perform Propless SignTist anytime, anywhere to anyone without anything on you by just carrying this simple method in your head.
There is no dual reality, no instant stooging, no reframing, no math, no preshow and no setup, no peeks, no secret writing. Propless SignTist is a unique combination of the principles used in my earlier ebooks Signature and Worlds Within Words.
This routine is suitable for all performance venues including virtual shows, voice calls etc. Revealing a stranger’s zodiac sign is a high impact effect. And every performer must have a few star sign reveal techniques in her or his arsenal, always ready to deploy.
1st edition 2021, PDF 6 pages.
word count: 1879 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text