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by Unknown Mentalist


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Teletrack by Unknown Mentalist

Teletrack is a quick propless effect where the performer impossibly tracks the thought of a participant telepathically. Beginning from the 'fate' of the participant and ending with the 'destiny' of the participant, the performer is able to identify the final silent thought.

Nothing is said or written down by the participant. You can perform this completely propless over a voice phone call, in a virtual show, or face to face in close-up, parlor, street venues, or even over a text chat. The method is easy and self-working but creates wonder for the participant. There are no sleights, not even 'mental sleights', no preshow, no stooges. And none of the usual suspects like peeks, imp devices, tearing, secret writing, one ahead etc. There are no gimmicks involved, obviously.

There is almost nothing for you to remember other than to carry this simple process in your head and you are ready to perform this anytime, anywhere to anyone. It is all the better if you perform it for people you are meeting for the first time. Multiple revelations are possible and you can use that which you like or change the final revelation every time you perform.

1st edition 2021, PDF 10 pages.
word count: 2224 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text