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Psychic Mysteries
by Robert A. Nelson


(4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Psychic Mysteries by Robert A. Nelson

Impromptu mental mysteries for the psychic entertainer. This is an updated version of the original.

From the introduction by B. W. McCarron:

Psychic Mysteries is one of Nelson's earliest works. Original copies are as rare as the proverbial hen's teeth. That it deserved to be made available again to performers and historians was an easy decision to make. The harder question was whether to produce a "warts and all" release, leaving intact the grammatical errors and typos of the original, or to provide some amount of editorial refresh that would make it more attractive to modern audiences.

I decided on an approach that I felt would make Nelson proud. His prose was updated to the modern era. Illustrations and photographs were added. On a few occasions I took the liberty of inserting an alternate method after Nelson's original was described.

Besides being a psychic entertainer and author, Nelson also had a business to run. A master salesman, he rarely missed an opportunity to refer readers to other Nelson Enterprises offerings to enhance a performance. In some cases, an additional purchase was required in order to perform the same effect that the buyer thought he or she had already purchased! This book in fact leads off with such a plot. To be fair to the modern reader, the method to that optional manuscript is included here, so as not to disappoint.

I've sprinkled notes and additions in italics throughout the book. If they help convert just one of Nelson's presentations from the "that's interesting" category to one that causes you to exclaim "I'm adding this to my act!" then we've both succeeded in making Nelson's work live on. Enjoy!

  • Introduction
  • A Note from Nelson
  • Selected Card Detected by the Pulse Test
  • Dice and Cards Mystery
  • Pick the Queen
  • Psychic Deck Reading
  • Match Box Prophecy
  • The Number Foretold
  • Telepathic Dice
  • A Billet Reading Test
  • The Quick or Dead
  • Revelation in Numbers
  • Unique Memory Test
  • Spirit Writing with a Single Slate
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • Photo Credits
  • Books by Robert A. Nelson

1st edition 1929, updated edition 2014, 39 pages.
word count: 6992 which is equivalent to 27 standard pages of text