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Randall Freeman

Randall Freeman

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Coauthors: Daniel Madison

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Randall Freeman & Daniel Madison
Thoughts of a Madman by Randall Freeman & Daniel Madison
  • COUNTING CROWS - Daniel Madison - A force / A 4-card-revelation.
  • COLT45 - Daniel Madison - Sandwich routine which begins with 4 aces vanishing one by one.
  • TOKYO SMILE - Daniel Madison + Randall Freeman - A powerful method for changing four of a kind to another four of a kind. All in one hand.
  • THROUGH PASS - Randall Freeman - A method for controlling a card to either the top or bottom of the deck.
  • BACK DROP - Randall Freeman - A multiple shift variation.
  • SPINAL CUT - Randall Freeman - Cut to a selected card from a shuffled deck.
  • THE FINAL CUT - Randall Freeman - A mentalists approach...