reviewed by Paul Romhany
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 03 November, 2021)
Patrik Kuffs has created a remarkable system that enables you to know a thought-of card without any questions or fishing. This is a download that comes with written instructions and a PDF card you can print off. This double-sided card can be printed on any size card from a business card to a larger card. I would highly recommend laminating this because it is something you can take with you anywhere and will definitely want to use. What makes this so good is how easy it is to use and the presentation ideas he offers. Patrik even suggests printing this out and putting it on a playing card box. This is so smart because now you can do this anytime you bring out your deck.
There is really nothing to memorize as any of the necessary secret is built into the card so he's thought of everything. As soon as you read the instructions you can follow along with a card and will be impressed at how it works.
He includes a great routine where he combines The Invisible Deck with Thought Swiper. You introduce the deck and the Thought Swiper Card. By combining this you can now have them mentally think of any card and without even having them name their card you can take out the deck and show the only card in there is the one they were thinking of. Just one of the many ways you can use this killer little tool. If you print this on a sticker, as suggested, then you can have it on the box for The Invisible Deck and now it makes total sense saying the Thought Transmitter knows your card.
I'm actually going to print this out and stick it on the deck I use for Richard Sander's Any Card deck. It takes the trick to a higher level simply because at no time do they reveal their card - only at the very end prior to you showing the thought-of cards.
If you've ever wanted a method to find out a thought of card without electronic gimmicks and is 100% sure fire this is an incredible way to do it. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
reviewed by Paul Romhany
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 10 August, 2009)
Wow - this was one of the all time favorite card routines I used to perform in the early 90s when I was doing regular restaurant magic. Many people since have come up with their own ideas but this was one of the first and still the best. This is such an amazing routine and the presentation is fantastic. One of my all time favorite card tricks.
reviewed by Paul Romhany
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 07 November, 2008)
I am an avid reader of books, all types of books, but not since Harry Potter or The Da Vinci Code have I been so engrossed in a book that I could not put it down. A new book called The MagiCIAn: John Mulholland's Secret Life by Ben Robinson was just released and I have to tell you, it's one of the best books on a magician's life I have ever read. This is so good I even gave it to my wife to read, and she could not put it down. (I should have bought two copies!).
This is not just a book somebody spent time researching over the internet, this is a a book the author spent over thirty years piecing together and investigating, and it really shows. If I ever wanted to hire a person to write my life story, Mr. Robinson would be the man!!
There is so much to learn from this book, I had no idea Houdini's relationship with John or that he lived so close to him growing up - I can only imagine the thrill. The whole CIA aspect was also news to me, and again, absolutely enthralling. The inside knowledge the author has shared with the readers is truly outstanding. Mr. Robinson's writing is extremely intelligent and a joy to read. He captures the essence of a story that many people had heard about, but really not to the depth that the author knows. The fact that the author was bequeathed a private CIA file by Maurine Christopher in 1997 is an amazing story unto itself. Here is a book that will capture the imagination of magicians and lay people alike.