reviewed by Lee Boyd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 07 December, 2012)
It needs to be pointed out that you need a gimmick deck to perform this which is not pointed out at the offset. In addition, you need additional materials as well. Whilst the method used is acceptable, I do not feel that the deck could be fully examined as it suggests..... Which to all in tense and purposes is the reason I purchased it only to be feeling mislead. It indicates that it differs and is unlike other effects of the same vibe, I totally disagree.
The non gimmicked version, in my opinion is also a cop out.... It is a very condescending method which if I was a spectator, the magician would have no end of problems as it relies on audience management. The title notes advertised for the non gimmicked version, I feel are somewhat misleading. This method would have been better if he had kept it a secret as I feel it is unethical.
Lee Boyd