Richard Himber
(20th February 1899 [or 1907] – 11th December 1966)
Minor big-band leader since 1934. World-class practical joker and notable eccentric. Semi-pro magician. Mail-order magic dealer since 1945 out of his New York City apartment.
Prolific inventor-improver, claiming over 500 tricks (most invented by others), including The Man from Mars (1941, invented by Orson Welles), the Milk Pitcher (by 1943), Fifth Dimension Card Frame (by 1944), Throw Out Rope Trick (1944), Three Ring Circus (1944, with Orson Welles), Wonder Box (1945, made by Merv Taylor), Ghost Glass (1947), Now You See It card trick (by 1947), Twin Trix (by 1948), Rocket Vanish (1948, with Lou Tannen), Cup of Plenty (1950, a lota teacup), Canada Dry Changing Bottles (1950), Eternal Light (1954), Rainbow Die Box (1956), Write a Rope (1956), Big Opener (1956), Staggering = Himber Ring (1961, invented by Diaconis), & Bill-Fooled = Himber Wallet (1963, suggested by Sam Schwartz).
See Ed Levy (editor), Richard Himber: The Man and His Magic (1980, 128pp). Tricks in Genii.
Coauthors: Ken de Courcy, George Blake