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Rising, Dancing and Floating Silk
by Ulysses Frederick Grant

#1 Illusions, Escape & Stage author

(5 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Rising, Dancing and Floating Silk by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Do not confuse this with Blackstone's Dancing Handkerchief. This method does not have to be done on stage and requires no assistants like the Blackstone version does.

Borrow a handkerchief and a hat or use your own. Tie a knot into the handkerchief and toss into the empty hat. In a few seconds, the handkerchief peeks out of the hat and jumps into your hands. Place the handkerchief on the floor and it stands straight up by itself and starts dancing around. It jumps into your hands and then floats between your outstretched hands. The magician can even walk into the audience with the handkerchief floating between his hands. The magician returns to the stage and places the handkerchief back into the hat. He shows a solid hoop and the handkerchief jumps out of the hat, through the hoop and into the magician's hand. Magician can then pass the silk and hat for examination, if he wishes!

Complete detailed routine, teaching you every move. Easy to learn and do. No stage needed.

3 pages
word count: 848 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text